From Vacation to Home [Germany X Reader]

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(bf/n) = best friend's name
(fbf/n) = former best friend's name (same as best friend's name)
Ich liebe dich auch = I love you too (German)
Liebling = Darling (German)

It was the 31st of January and you had just arrived in Hamburg, Germany for a vacation trip with your best friend from childhood, (bf/n). You and your best friend were obsessed with the country Germany, its culture and history for the longest time. (bf/n) recently got married to a commercial pilot. He was scheduled to fly from your hometown to Hamburg, Germany on January 1st. On March 1st, he was scheduled to fly from Rome, Italy to Berlin, Germany where he would depart and fly back to yours and (bf/n)'s hometown. Her husband generously offered to fly you guys to and from Germany free of charge. So here you were in Hamburg, Germany with your best friend. Since you guys were going to be in the country for the entire month of February, you decided to visit the nine most popular cities for tourism, spending three days in each one. Your vacation started in Hamburg, then you guys would head to Dusseldorf, then Cologne, then Frankfurt, then Heidelberg, then Munich, then Dresden, then Leipzig and finally Berlin.

~Time Skip: February 25th~

You and (bf/n) were leaving Leipzig, heading to your last destination: Berlin, Germany. Your vacation so far has been a blast and it was going by way too quickly. You had taken countless photos, recorded short videos for your social media accounts, and bought many souvenirs to remember the trip by. When you arrived in Berlin, you and your best friend went shopping for even more souvenirs to take back home. You checked out almost every shop in the shopping district you guys were visiting. At the end of the district, you saw a small cuckoo clock shop. You really really liked clocks. You had a vast collection of all sorts of clocks and watches. Something about the inter-mechanical works fascinated you for some reason. Your best friend didn't share your enthusiasm for the time telling machines, but she followed you into the shop anyways. The shop was empty except for the clocks and the business owner who was busy working on assembling a new cuckoo clock. He was a tall and muscular man with blonde slicked back hair and sky blue eyes. When he noticed you two, he jumped back in surprise.

"Oh I'm sorry, we didn't mean to startle you." You apologized. The shop owner dusted his hands off on his work apron.

"No, it's fine. I just don't get zhat many customers, so I was surprised when I saw you and your friend zhere. My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt I'm zhe owner of zhis shop. I make all zhese cuckoo clocks by hand myself." Ludwig introduced himself and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ludwig. I'm (f/n) and this is my best friend (bf/n). We're on a vacation together. Both of us have been fascinated with this country for a long time." You said as you shook his hand and gestured to your best friend who smiled and waved.

"Germany certainly does have an interesting history and culture. So how long are you going to be staying in Berlin?" Ludwig chuckled, striking up a friendly conversation with you. Since he didn't get many customers, he tried to build relations with the ones he did get. Even though it may be the last time he'd ever see them due to most of them being tourists.

"Me and (bf/n) are on a one month vacation to Germany. We picked out nine German cities to visit that are popular among tourists, staying three days in each. This is the last city we're visiting before heading back home." You answered.

"Ahh, I see. Well I hope enjoy your short stay here in Berlin." Ludwig said as he continued to work on the cuckoo clock. If you weren't mistaken, it seemed like Ludwig sounded a little disappointed. You started wandering around the shop, looking at all the cuckoo clocks to pick which one to buy. After spending about thirty more minutes looking around, you finally picked one out. It was the fanciest, most intricate, and most expensive one. Buying this clock would use up pretty much all the money you had left for this trip. You wouldn't be able to pay all of your half for the hotel room you and your best friend would be sharing. But Ludwig said he didn't get very many customers and you wanted to help him out. Plus this clock was your favorite out of all of them. You walked up to Ludwig for his assistance.

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