Chapter 15- Why?

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Braelynns Pov
2 months later
   "Lauren, you don't think...." I sniffle.
    "Only one way to know. Take these test." Lauren says handing me the box.
I go into the bathroom fearful.
5 minutes later
     "LAUREN!" I cry.
      "What's it say?" She says softly. I show her as I cry. "How do you think Brantley will take it?"
       "I don't know,but, I'm so scared to find out."
20 minutes later
Brantleys Pov
    I walked upstairs, looking for Braelynn when I hear crying coming from our room. I quickly head in and see Brae crying into Lauren's pink shirt.
      "What's wrong?" I ask.
       "Brae needs to talk to you." Lauren says standing up.
       "Lauren, please don't leave." Brae cries.
        "I'll be downstairs if you need me." Lauren says walking out.
       "Darlin, whats wrong?" I ask hugging her.
       "I don't know how to say this."
       "Just say it like you're ripping off a bandage." I coo.
       "I'm pregnant... with your child."
       "Are you sure?" I ask nervous.
        "Positive." She cries.
        "But, I'm not ready to be a dad!" I say standing up. "Are you gonna keep it?"
       "How could you even ask me that?" She yells.
        "You're so young, how could you want this child?!" I yell but instantly feel bad.
       "Brantley Keith Gilbert!!! How could you even say that about YOUR child?!"
     "This is exactly why I regretted inviting you to stay with me after that bonfire!! I should've known we would mess it up!" I yell but then feel bad. She slaps me hard as she screams, "Fine!!! Then I'll just get Outlaw and leave!!! Goodbye, Brantley!" She screams grabbing her stuff and running out the door.
      "No!!! Braelynn, please don't leave! I love you! I didn't mean that! Please! I need you! I'm begging you!! Please stay!!" I scream/ cry as she gets in the car with Lauren. "BRAELYNN!!!" I scream as the car pulls down the road.
5 minutes later
After having a mental break down in the drive way, I come inside.
     "I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!" I yell punching my wall. I do that a few more times before grabbing a 12 pack of beer and begin chugging it away.
2 hours later
    I'm drunk as a monkey but decide to go out for a drive. I go driving around until I end up crashing into a tree. I'm caged in by my truck and can't move. I sober up right then, and pray that the good Lord gives me another chance. I hope someone gets me help before it's too late.
1 hour later
Braelynns Pov
     "He said he regretted meeting me." I cry to Lauren.
     "He said he regretted it..."
     "Braelynn, you need to go to the hospital, now." Thomas says peeking into the room.
    "Why?" I ask nervously.
     "Brantley was in a wreck." All my hatred for him drifted away. I need him, weather he needs me or not.

  ***Authors Note****


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