7. Paris

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Evie's POV:
I opened the door the the room we would be sharing and I sat in the bed.
"It's getting late anyway." Carlos said.
"It's eight thirty?" I said confused.
"Whatever I'm tired." Carlos mumbled.
Carlos sits in front of me and I smirk making him confused. I tug on the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to me.
Baby say goodnight text me when you get home safely
Like you always did when we was first dating
Carlos gave me a small smile and I winked back. I smashed my lips onto his and snaked my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and he pulled away before pushing me onto the bed roughly.
"Ow." I joked.
"That didn't hurt." Carlos stated plainly.
I stuck my tongue out and he smiled at me. He kissed me again and rested his hands at my hips making me blush.
"I love you so much." I whispered when we pulled away.
"I love you too princess blueberry." Carlos whispered.
I kissed him again and flipped us over. Then the door opened.
"Hey Evie do you-? HOLY SLEEPING BEAUTY!!" Audrey screamed.
I got off of Carlos and we both were blushing.
"What?" Ben asked.
"They were just-." Audrey started.
"Don't." I warned.
"I just remembered something." Audrey lied.
Ben shrugged and walked away while Audrey winked and closed the door.

Mine-third book in Shy series-CarvieWhere stories live. Discover now