34. The VK's childhood:Jay and Evie

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Evie and Carlos were having fun. Playing games,eating chocolate,and watching movies. Then Jay walked in.
"Um Mal wants us in the other hotel room." Jay said.
Evie rolled her eyes and paused the movie. She tugged on Carlos's arm and he winced.
"Sorry." Evie whispered.
"No it's fine." Carlos whispered.
"Hello? Lovebirds!" Jay called.
They glared at him and Carlos and Evie walked out. Evie bumped into Jay's shoulder on purpose.
"Ow." Jay mumbled.
They opened the door to Mal,Lonnie,& Audrey's hotel room to see Ben,Mal,Audrey,and Lonnie sitting in a circle.
Carlos squeezed Evie's hand and she gave him a small smile.
Then they sat down and Mal did the spell again.
"Okay everyone hold hands." Mal said.
The memory appeared and the group started to watch.
"JAY DID YOU GET ANYTHING?!" Jafar yelled.
A fourteen year old Jay ran in carrying a ton of stuff.
"I got five lamps and some food." Jay said as he set down the stuff.
"Good. Now please go get some food for yourself." Jafar said.
"Wait what? I just got food." Jay said.
Jafar rolled his eyes at his son. Jay had a confused look on his face.
"Shut up." Carlos whispered.
Ben calmed Mal down. But he seemed to not be surprised.
Jafar started hitting Jay and when Jay fought back Jafar hit harder. Jay fell unconscious and Jafar took the food and went to eat.
"Is it going to harshest to easiest?" Lonnie asked.
"Oh someone realized." Mal said sarcastically.
"That means Evie had the easiest childhood." Ben said.
Mal smacked him upside the head and he didn't seem to care.
Evie's memory started and Carlos squeezed her hand remembering this memory just from the start.
"Evie did you clean your room?" The Evil Queen asked.
"Yes mom." Evie lied.
Evie didn't really clean her room she just shoved everything under her bed. She wanted to go hang out with Carlos.
Evie and Carlos blushed and the others smirked.
The Evil Queen looked under Evie's bed and saw everything.
"You sly girl. DO YOU THINK YOUR SO SMART?!" The Evil Queen screamed.
"Ohh I'm smart?" Evie asked excitedly.
"No! Smart is not beauty! Your not even beautiful!" The Evil Queen said.
"Now clean up!" The Evil Queen said.
"Yes mom." Evie said.
The Evil Queen closed the door and Evie started crying as she cleaned her room.
Then Carlos climbed in through her window. He saw the whole scene and Evie knew that. The two hugged and Evie sobbed into his shoulder.
"Wow." Lonnie said.
"That's your childhood?" Audrey asked.
The four VK's nodded and Ben noticed the scars on Carlos's arm.
"Carlos." Ben said.
Carlos felt the others look at him and he looked at Ben.
"What did you do?"
Guys up top is the cover for the fourth book and I decided to make a fifth book too. Because you guys don't want me to stop at four

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