16. The abusive mother

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Carlos's POV
"WHAT?!" Evie screamed.
"Evie calm down." Mal said.
"No I'm not gonna calm down!" Evie exclaimed as we got out of the limo.
Flashback 1 year earlier
I was walking home because my mother asked me to get some food. I was a little late but I was thirteen I didn't know better. I opened the door and was met with a slap to the face.
"YOUR LATE!" My mother yelled.
"I'm sorry I saw Evie today and I-." I started.
"You talked to that self absorbed princess! Carlos you were to get food not talk to annoying people!" My mother yelled.
My mom snatched the food away and slapped me again. Not on the Isle we don't knock and well Evie follows the Isle rules. She opened the door and saw my mother hitting me.
"HEY STOP!!" Evie screamed.
My mother stopped hitting me and glared at Evie before taking the food and walking off.
"Are you okay?" Evie asked.
I felt tears streaming down my cheeks and Evie hugged me
Flashback over
"Carlos?" Evie called.
I looked at her and she gave me a small smile.
"What happened?" Evie asked.
"My mother came and...." I started.
My mom walked towards to where I was tied up.
"Carlos your back." My mom said.
Harry untied me an my min slapped me causing me to fall.
"You are a disgrace to our family. First you become good then you propose to that blueberry princess!!" My mother screamed.
I felt tears sting my eyes as she pulled me up.
"At least I found someone to love! YOU HAVE NEVER LOVED ANYONE IN YOUR LIFE!!" I screamed.
My mom's evil glare caused me to widen my eyes.
She punched me and kicked me in my stomach causing me to sit in the chair again.
"Your right I never loved you and I never will." My mom whispered.
Tears started streaming down my cheeks and my mom walked away. Harry tied me up again and I glared at him.
"If you do anything to Evie I swear I will kill you." I threatened.
"I'd like to see you try." Harry stated.
Flashback over
"Carlos." Evie whispered.
Evie hugged me and I smiled a bit before pulling away.
"I'm okay really." I lied.
Evie gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.
Two hours later
I was sitting on my bed and Evie was laying down next to me.
"If your mom ever touches you again-." Evie started.
"Evie." I whispered.
"Sorry." Evie mumbled.
Evie sat up and pushed me onto my bed lightly. I realized she was wearing the engagement ring again and smiled.
"I love you." Evie whispered.
"I love you too." I whispered.
Evie kissed me and I smiled through the kiss. I pulled away a few seconds later and she blushed.
"Every single day you make me love you even more." I said.
Evie smiled and kissed me again. After a minute she pulled away.
"Dalmatians." I mumbled.
"It's a gift." Evie mimicked.
I rolled my eyes and Evie giggled. We sat up and she kissed me again.
Who remembers what chapter Carlos said "it's a gift"? Comment down below the chapter💛

Mine-third book in Shy series-CarvieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang