19. The First Time

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The majority of you voted for them to have there first time so here it is xoxo Aksanti
After Carlos and Evie's birthday party they went back to Evie and Mal's dorm.
Mal was with Ben and Lonnie was with Jay in Carlos and Jay's dorm. Audrey was with Chad in her dorm.
"Carlos I have a question." Evie said after she changed into her pajamas.
"Yeah?" Carlos asked.
"Umm,I know that we may be young but we are engaged and well I just wanted to ask if um-." Evie started.
"Evie breath." Carlos soothed as he put his hand on her shoulders.
"Well I was wondering if you were ready for you know our first time." Evie confessed.
Audrey was sitting on her bed crying. She had just found out that Chad might be cheating on her. She heard a knock on the door and thinking it was Lonnie she opened the door.
"Hey Audrey." Chad said.
"Go away." Audrey mumbled.
"Wait what's wrong?" Chad asked.
"Are you cheating on me?" Audrey asked.
"No,why would you think that?" Chad asked.
"Because Ginny Gothel said she saw you and Madison kiss." Audrey mumbled.
"Audrey I love you and only you." Chad said.
Audrey smiled and kissed the blonde boy.
Mal and Ben were laying on his bed. Mal was snuggled up under the covers and Ben barely had the blanket on his body.
"I love you." Mal whispered.
Ben smiled and pecked her lips making Mal blush.
"I love you too Mal." Ben mumbled.
Mal grinned and kissed him before pulling away a few seconds later.
"And I love your kisses." Ben joked.
The married couple laughed and Mal let Ben have some of the blanket.
"Our first time?" Carlos asked.
Evie blushed and bit her lip. She looked down at her slippers and Carlos kissed her cheek.
"Of course I'm ready." Carlos whispered.
Evie looked up and grinned. Carlos smiled back and the two kissed.
Jay watched his girlfriend pace in front of him.
"Is that a no?" Jay asked hurt.
A few seconds earlier Jay had gotten down on one knee and proposed to the raven haired beauty.
"No I mean yes I just I can't believe you're finally asking me!" Lonnie exclaimed.
Jay grinned and slipped the engagement ring on Lonnie's finger. Lonnie smashed her lips onto Jay's and Jay smiled through the kiss.
Evie and Carlos continued to kiss and Carlos started to lead the two to Evie's bed.
Evie pulled away and laid down on the bed Carlos following her lead. Carlos pinned her arms to the bed and Evie blushed.
"Are you sure?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah,I'm sure Carlos. At times we are shy but I love you no matter what. I'm yours and your mine."

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