30. The VK's childhood:Carlos

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"Hawaii?" Evie asked.
Carlos nodded and Evie squealed. Ben,Audrey,Jay,and Lonnie came in the room.
Ben,Audrey,& Lonnie had the same look but Jay looked mad.
"Before we go to the cruise we want to know something." Ben said.
"Okay what is it?" Mal asked.
"Your childhood. What was it like?" Lonnie asked.
Evie looked at Carlos who's mouth was agape. Mal looked at Evie knowing that Carlos might get an panic attack.
Carlos's eyes widened and Evie took his hand in her's.
"Carlos." I whispered.
Carlos looked at me and Evie slowly nodded.
"You go first." Evie said.
Carlos shook his head and Evie kissed his cheek.
"Just get it over with then Mal will go next,then Jay,then me. After we can go to sleep okay. We don't have to talk about you know who." Evie whispered.
Carlos nodded and we all sat down in a straight line.
"Okay I casted the spell everybody hold hands and the person who's memory it's about when you break contact it will disappear." Mal explained.
Everyone held hands and Carlos's memory appeared.
"Carlos!" Cruella called.
"Yes mommy?" Carlos asked.
Carlos was at least ten years old in this.
"Can you please wash my car? For mommy?" Cruella asked.
"Yes." Carlos answered.
"Mommy loves you." Cruella whispered.
Cruella kissed Carlos's cheek and Carlos smiled before running to wash the car.
The memory started getting blurry because Carlos was letting go of Evie's hand and Audrey's.
"Carlos!" Mal hissed.
"No." Carlos whispered.
Evie tightened her grip on Carlos's hand and the memory was clear again.
Carlos had leaned the car. Cruella stepped outside to see the car looked amazing.
"I finished mommy." Carlos said.
"You missed a spot." Cruella said.
There was dirt on a spot on the car that was definitely not there before.
Cruella had dirt on her hand and Carlos sighed.
"Mommy you did that." Carlos pointed out.
Cruella glared at Carlos and she pushed him.
"Don't ever talk back to me again!" Cruella said.
"But mommy-." Carlos startted.
Carlos was met with a slap to the face and Cruella continued to hit Carlos until he was bleeding.
"Trust me I could do much worse." Cruella said.
Cruella then threw dirt at him and went back inside.
Carlos stayed on the ground. He wouldn't cry. That was against the rules on the Isle. But he could do something.
"Okay his dialogue is annoying." Mal said.
"Shhh." Audrey hissed.
The memory faded and in came another memory.
Carlos was sitting on the floor of the bathroom. His knees were to his chest and he held a glass shard in his hands.
With a shaky hand Carlos slit his wrist with the shard.
Evie closed my eyes. Evie couldn't watch it. I couldn't.
"Yes mommy." Carlos yelled back.
Carlos cleaned up the blood and stood up.
"Your not useless." Carlos mumbled.
"Your not useless." Carlos whispered.
The memory faded away and Audrey clenched her fists.
"There's more to the story. That can't be it." Audrey said.
"Umm,that's it Mal you go." Carlos lied.
"Carlos." Jay said in a warning tone.
Carlos sighed and we held hands again.
Carlos was sitting on his lumpy mattress. A pillow there.
"Hey psst." Evie whispered.
Evie climbed in through the window. Carlos didn't seem to know though.
"Carlos what's-?" Evie started.
Then Evie saw the blood all over Carlos's wrist and the glass shard in hand.
"Carlos!" Evie exclaimed.
Evie took out a royal blue handkerchief and wiped away the blood. Carlos had tears streaming down his cheeks but he didn't move.
"What happened?" Evie asked.
"Mal." Carlos said.
"Mal Fairy?" Evie asked.
Carlos nodded and looked down. The scars were going to be noticed. Six scars were definitely gonna be noticed.
"I was outside getting some food cause my mother asked me to and I bumped into Mal and-." Carlos stopped himself.
Mal gave Carlos an apologetic look and he gave her a small smile.
"She started to hit me and kept screaming things like.." Carlos trailed off.
"Loser,freak,brat,servant." Carlos whispered at the sane time.
"I can't take it anymore. Evie,my mom doesn't love me. Nobody cares about me except you. Why am I even alive?" Carlos asked.
Evie remembered this conversation and tears were streaming down her cheeks.
Carlos looked at Evie for the first time that night.
"Carlos, your right I care about you. But don't harm yourself because of what other people are doing to you. I don't know what I would do without you." Evie confessed.
Evie hugged Carlos who was to sad to hug back.
Then Evie left and Cruella barged in.
"CARLOS!!" Cruella screamed.
"Yes mother?" Carlos asked.
"Mal Fairy took the rest of the food and you said I had to be home by six so I didn't have time to get more." Carlos explained.
Cruella started hitting Carlos and left soon after.
Carlos curled into a ball an drocked back and forth.
"Evie's wrong. I'm not worth it." Carlos whispered.
Carlos looked under his bed for another glass shard.
Carlos slit his wrist once again and then he had the shard dangerously close to his chest but he remembered Evie's words.
"I don't know what I would do without you either." Carlos mumbled.
The memory disappeared and Carlos stormed out slamming the door behind  him. Evie didn't know he almost... she couldn't even think about it. She had tears streaming down her face. She then ran after her husband.

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