37. Romantic Dinner part 2

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Evie's POV:
Carlos and I changed and I sat on the bed before Carlos pulled me closer.
"Carlos what are you doing?" I asked.
"What do you think." Carlos whispered.
I blushed as he leaned in. I tried to squirm free from his hold but his grip was to strong. Finally I started to lean in and our kiss started to get intense. I ran my fingers through his hair and he pulled me closer.
I started pulling away but he pulled me close again and kissed me. I smiled through the kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
I pulled away and Carlos blushed. I giggled a bit.
"What is this raging boy hormones day?" I joked.
Carlos blushed even more and I laughed.
"But we shouldn't leave until 10:30 and it is 9:45. So what do you want to do." I said.
Carlos rolled his eyes and I laughed even more.
Then Carlos started kissing my neck,making me immediately stop.
"Okay this has never happened before,I like it. Don't stop." I whispered,teasing him.
Carlos stopped immediately and I whined. Then he smirked before kissing up and down my jawline. I bit my lip and blushed slightly,
Then Carlos stared kissing my neck again and when he found my sweet spot he sucked on it,making me moan.
"C-Carlos." I stuttered.
Carlos stopped and looked at me. I blushed in embarrassment and he chuckled before continuing to suck on my sweet spot.
I ran my fingers through his hair as he did and Carlos kissed me again. He started rubbing my thigh with his hand and I smiled through the kiss. Carlos then pulled away and I slowly started taking off his shirt.
"So Carlos,having a fun time?" I joked.
Carlos glared at me and I giggled nervously because it looked so menacing.
I took off his shirt and pecked his lips before kissing his neck. Carlos moaned and I giggled a bit before stopping.
"Carlos we have forty five minutes." I whispered.
Carlos smiled at me and smashed his lips onto mine.
I hour later
I was squirming uncomfortably in my seat as I ate my food. Carlos noticed this and laughed making me blush in embarrassment.
"Carlos this isn't funny!" I said.
He rolled his eyes and continued eating.
"I have to use the bathroom." I said.
I stood up and speed walked to the bathroom. I could hear Carlos laughing behind me and I blushed even more.
Carlos's POV:
After Evie went to the bathroom everyone else in the restaurant started whispering. I saw a girl side eye me and another guy laugh as she said something at the same time.
"I can't believe he thinks Evie likes him. I heard she is just using him." The girl said loudly on purpose.
I felt tears in my eyes and blinked them away and the waitress came back to the table.
"Did you two want dessert?" She asked sweetly.
"I don't know about her just tell her I uh have to go." I said before speed walking out of the restaurant.
Evie's POV:
I walked out of the bathroom and saw Carlos was gone.
The waitress that was serving us saw me and walked towards me.
"Uh your husband left. He looked pretty sad." She explained.
"Oh well here're some money and there's a tip. Keep it." I said handing her a fifty dollar bill.
The waitress smiled at me and I smiled back before leaving.

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