17. Seventeen and fifteen part 1

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Evie's POV:
I woke up and saw that Carlos was awake and playing with my hair.
"Good morning blueberry princess." Carlos said.
"Good morning my puppy." I whispered.
"Also happy birthday." We both said.
We both laughed and sat up. I grinned as he kissed my cheek.
"Why do we have the same birthday?" I asked.
"I don't know. I guess it was fate." Carlos replied.
I giggled and stood up. Jay was fast asleep and Carlos didn't seem to notice he was here.
The door opened and in came Mal,Audrey,Lonnie,& Ben.
Jay screamed and fell off his bed and I giggled.
"Seventeen and fifteen,blue and red,Evie and Carlos,it screams carvie!" Mal said.
I rolled my eyes and hugged Mal. Carlos smiled at me and I winked back.
"Am I invited this time?" Mal asked.
"I don't even think I want a party. Carlos?" I confessed.
Carlos shook his head and the others looked confused.
"I just want to spend time with Carlos." I said.
They all groaned and I giggled as Carlos twirled me.
"Evie,Carlos, your having a party and I am throwing it." Mal stated.
"An that's that." Audrey and Lonnie said.
Ben rolled his eyes as I whined and leaned back until I was laying on Carlos's bed.
"Your so melodramatic." Ben said.
"Your so freaking annoying." I replied.
Carlos and Mal laughed and I sat up. Carlos sat down next to me.
"Carlos is two years younger than Evie does no one have a problem with that?" Jay asked.
I glared at him and Mal hit Jay's arm. I kissed Carlos's cheek and he blushed.
"Who cares it's true love." I said dramatically.
Carlos chuckled and I grinned. Mal started to sing.
True love I knew I had it
True love it's so hard to find
True love if I could get it back I'd never let it go this time
"Stop just stop." Ben said.
We all laughed and I took Carlos's hand in mine.
"Can we get married already?" I said.
Audrey rolled her eyes and Carlos blushed making me giggle.
"I need to get ready so shoo!" I exclaim.
Audrey,Mal,Lonnie,Jay,& Ben left and Carlos smashed his lips onto mine.
I pulled away a few seconds later and stood up.

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