Chapter 2

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That Hokage, Misaki growled with an air of laughter.

Hiruzen didn't lie about them being newbies in the ANBU task force, but he didn't mention that they were thrice her age completely which meant that they were around their mid-twenties. How could she have been so oblivious to not take notice?

They seemed suprised to have a leader much younger than they are, but nevertheless, they did not disrespect the Hokage's mission, nor did they attempt to socialize with her, why, Misaki will never know. They dissapeared into the trees, and vanished outside of Konoha's borders right away at the moon's light. Enemies were much easier to track, because the twilight is for rest, and much simpler for one to lower their guards.

Kai was a reputable kenjutsu user, proficent enough to win a spot under the Hokage's ANBU task force. He is very capable of incoperating even genjutsu into his sword technqiues, but to Misaki's personal view, although not strong enough to fool a pair of sharingan eyes, but maybe enough to fend off other weapon users. He had chestnut-colored hair that was spiked up and his sword was strapped behind his back. As for Ryui, he was a genjutsu user, and according to Hiruzen, his skills in that particular spot was profound and centered around greenery like Kurenai's. Both are also considerable adept in the other areas as well. Two reasonable choices, but she still rathered a Sharingan user deep down.

Her sharingan actified and shimmered under the dark night, as the three shadows springed through the trees silently following Misaki's eyes and sensing abilities as a guide. They were close, very close. Three of them landed and huddled against a thick tree branch, as Misaki slowly canceled out their chakra scents and feels, since she was the only sensory-type ninja of the whole. A dim light could be spotted flecking in between the parallel-lined leaves, and even though she could only feel their faint chakras, she could preceive that the ninjas weren't skilled in hiding themselves well. It had almost felt too easy for her, but those ninjas a few miles ahead of them were most definitely not clones, and all four chakra signatures were counted correctly. A backup plan then devised in her mind if anything should go wrong.

She raised her hand, and structured hand signs that told her comrades that they will wait until their fire has died, and until they fluttered their eyes shut before they executed out their formation. Both of them nodded, and fitted themselves neatly in the seam of leaves. The forests' movements seemed to be magnified in the night, but Misaki wished that it would be quieter so that she had an easier time to tell vicious movements among innocent prowlings.

She was then shoved playfully a few eating pills by Kai, and although she couldn't know his expression underneath the opaque mask, she imparted a small smile before graciously accepting it. She had not eaten dinner, she suddenly remembered and swallowed the black pills down her throat.

Twenty minutes had passed, and the light waned into darkness. The Konoha shinobi nodded at one another. 'Move out.' She signaled and they moved noiselessly through the trees to their positions. She watched like a bird as Ryui and Kai connected the kunai bombs in a triangular mode surrounding their enemies. She took in their grim actions, waiting for her next words, hence their orders. Her dry throat lurched and she heaved her arm with great heaviness.


Concussions jetted through the trees and cries of battle broke out at once. She would hardly see her teammates with her naked eyes through the mist around her, then she realized that there were two more ninjas moving about to avoid the fallings of tree branches. She swore not seeing the signs sooner so she opened her palm, but then, she had been distracted of late.

She then focused a mass of concentrated electrical lightning into one spot and moved away soundlessly, not even leaving the rustling of leaves as the slightest trace. Apparently, the enemies had not expected Misaki here, so she darted forward with her lightning twin dragons growling and impaled both at the same time through their hearts. Their knees buckled slightly, and their bodies staggered backwards before dropping down dead. a movement caught her attention, and the flare of swords danced like birds in the mist, and before she knew it, the screams told her that they've already won.

A shadow emerged from the fog with slight footstep noises. Kai reported that he managed his killings alright, and his fingers occupied the kill's dry hair.

He showed the pale head directly in front of Misaki's eyes, the blood dripping from both his sword and the minced meat of the man's throat. Ryui followed along not too far behind, and both the ANBUs flung the heads to a side, wiping off the excess dirt on their gear.

They had only sustained a few bruises around their shoulders and Ryui got a broken limb, but for ninjas, it was better than being dead. The satisfaction of their kills managed to drown the dead weight of her lungs when she used her lava jutsu to incapitate the bodies and healed the small injuries her mates got during their battles. The sooner they completed missions, the better.

'This is too easy.' Ryui confessed suddenly.

'I agree.' Misaki nodded, pulling out the scrolls she picked up from their dead enemies tent, feeling the smooth lacquered handles of the four scrolls. The ninjas wouldn't carelessly leave the important scrolls lying there, unless if they implemented something to protect the contents of the scrolls.

'Shall we test it then?' She moved her kness and stood in the middle of Kai and Ryui who watched with anticipation, ready to deal with whatever came inside the scroll. She threw the four scrolls into the air and her team slammed their palms in sync. A sealing began to glow, exploding with incredible force that could kill if Misaki hadn't place a nearly impenetrable crystal cocoon around each of the scrolls just in time as they bursted multiple times with purple fog dusting the surface of the crystal.

It was plain obvious that not only they placed highly explosive bombs, but they injected thin serums of poisons that could infiltrate easily into the blood stream and into the heart, thus killing whoever tried to take the scrolls away. It had seemed to take forever to wait for the poison to dissipate into nothingness before Misaki removed the barriers carefully, even having Ryui and Kai to hold their breaths before she ensured thar it was safe to breath again. Since she was carrying a demon, poisons could not really touch or do damage to her body.

'Explosives and poisons.' Kai said bending down, taking one scroll into his hand and handed it over to Misaki.

'Simple, yet effective.' Ryui added and imitated Kai's actions. Misaki agreed again, just because she didn't know what else to say. But she was just glad that she completed her mission and no one in her team was badly hurt. It was all that mattered anyways.

Molding her chakra by weaving a seal, she swallowed the scrolls inside her body as an ultimate protection, and she created duplicates and traps as well, one in her bag, and another along with the actual ones. Since they were important to Konha, Misaki took no chances and placed the highest form of security on them, if they were to be attacked by other shinobi.

She diverted most of her focus into mending Ryui's broken limb, that she just realised dawn was on them, and since she healed Ryui's limb completely, they could start travelling back to the village. Surprisingly, they had not encountered anybody that attempted to steal the scrolls away from them.

However, her senses teased that the simplicity of this mission meant something.

A shaking feeling told her something horrible would happen, as they sailed through the trees into blackness.

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