Chapter 15

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By next morning, the news was made known to the jounin shinobi task force that Misaki and Kakashi will henceforth be in the Anbu Black Ops. Everybody was shocked. It was the rarest to see such young people be elected to join such an elite group; but once remembering Kakashi and Misaki's skills, the shock left as fast as it came. However, it seemed that the ones close to them seemed to know the news before anyone else did, because they weren't as surprised as the rest of the task force and it was assumed that the two prodigious ninjas had made the announcement clear to their friends personally before anyone else. No one saw them around anymore, it was as if the nature of the ANBU Black Ops stole them away once they were chosen as regular members. When people asked their friends, they replied in a normal way and said they probably started on their ANBU duties. They smiled whenever somebody questioned. They seemed quite calm, all of them. But their eyes had a sad, haunted and faraway look.


Light lay over Konoha like a warm blanket. Misaki Utaru stood in front of the two dead men whose names she had no interest to know. They laid sprawled on the middle-sized grassland several hundred meters away from the village with blood streaked on their faces; several arms scattered; bloodied and pungent; eyes glittered with cold fear; and now that their souls had passed into the after life, Misaki disposed of them through her lava release, incinerating their bodies until their ashes became one with the wind. It was a rule she learned through her older members; no ANBU can leave a dead body and must be completely finished off to prevent any information or evidence from falling into their enemies hands. It was the same with themselves. Those rules made sense, but it did not make her like it anymore than Kakashi. She just simply followed it, although it was blandly obvious that she much rather leave and let it provide nourishment for the nature around her.

Of course, Kakashi and Misaki did not let them die without extracting any information with them. Rather, they only let one barely live and the other to die. Kakashi killed wheres Misaki interrogated. The Sharingan user blasted one's brain with his chidori - a quick and almost a painless death but he had allowed the lightning to inflict gashes that barely touched his comrade's inner brain, just enough that his body still functioned, but also enough to leave him hanging on a thread. Despite that, he still had an iron will and refused to tell Misaki anything even when Kakashi had severed his two arms off under her command. Misaki herself was surprised, although she had no experience as an interrogator in a proper division, she thought that he'd immediately surrender after his comrade had died. So then, she resorted to a tortorous method of interrogation; which involved using her sensory abilities to prob into his mind in a painful manner by stressing his brain fibers.  It was a simple work of task sorting through the man's memories to find his family. He had a wife and child. Their images were vivid and clear in his mind; so it was easy to use it against him. Slyly, those images were used to manipulate illusions, lies to threathen him that if he did not start talking, his family would die mercilessly like she showed under the hands of the ANBU Black Ops. It was an effective method; as soon as Misaki had started to play her genjutsu upon him, he thrusted and yelled within the grip of the ropes that binded him against a tree. His yells were ferel, piercing and even to a point, hypnotic. Apparently, he also had no experience against interrogators, even against averages, that's why once he tasted Misaki's illusions, he immediately leaked the information they long soughted for. It seemed that after the war ended, his village decided to use the situation to their advantage since they had no longer wanted to be under the control of the Hidden Shinobi Village; therefore their higher-ups had sent him and several others to cause disruptions in the village to begin a rising protest with another small village. After that point, nonsense were the only things he spoke of so Kakashi landed a swift blow to his head, silencing him forever. Both of them had hardly flinched throughout the whole process, and even if they did, it was imperceptible even to the trained eyes. Flinching was normally associated with fear and uncertainty. Kakashi and Misaki didn't have either, or at least a significant amount of it. Instead, the horrors they inflicted almost felt satisfying. Numbness and resignation came quickly after that. Dwelling on useless emotions helped no one, no matter how right it felt. Kakashi and Misaki had learned that the right way.

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