Chapter 11

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It was another warm, sunny day. Breezes blew gently against Kakashi and Misaki's drenched faces, the woods and rocks were filled with tiny creatures that darted and flew, and the mountains were at peace unlike them. Misaki backed away slowly from Kakashi, smiling stupidly to herself because they had exceeded three hours of non-stop sparring. Although, Misaki did admit that she had gotten much better at taijutsu once she had trained with Tsunade and Guy, otherwise she'd have barely avoided getting pulverized by Kakashi. 

She felt the rough bark of a tree trunk jammed against her back as she shoved down mouthfuls of water down her itchy throat before passing it to Kakashi who did the same. They didn't speak for a time, staring off to the woods, slender streams of sunlight playing across their chests.

'You will be able to do it.' Misaki said, fully aware that Kakashi was staring at his palm for the past five minutes of silence, his eyes full of anger and regret. His eyebrows twitched tightly before he then closed his eyes along with his opened hand.

'It will be a long time before I reach that stage.' 

Misaki bit her lip. Not much of anything ruffled Kakashi; he always managed to keep his common sense intact even in grief. Misaki admired him for that. That's what sets him apart from his father, who went mad after vilified by his own village. Kakashi managed to turn that grief and sadness into strength.

'But with sharingan, the jutsu is complete, isn't it?' She said then, pushing herself up to face him.

Kakashi looked at her expressionlessly and blinked several times before he got what she wanted him to do. He allowed himself to be helped by her and forced his eyes sideways wordlessly. Misaki understood his discomfort and her smile turned sad.

'It's me, Kakashi.'

He glanced at her sharply, and tilted his headband upwards, revealing his sharingan that pierced through Misaki's eyes like needles. She had nearly imagined Obito dying through that eye, and shook it off as fast as she could to avoid unnecessary misery. Kakashi, who did not sense Misaki's flinch, then focused his energy into his right palm, thinking separate thoughts as the sparks of his lightning chakra became visible and noisy like the birds in the sky. Misaki was waiting, ready to feel it's strength when it suddenly dwindled like a dying candle. There was sounds of gritting teeth, then silence.

Misaki and Kakashi couldn't say anything to each other with their eyes cold and sad, because they both knew that it was this technique that took Rin's life away. It didn't matter who cast it in Misaki's eyes, but she could feel her childish grudge against this jutsu growing like a baby in it's mother's stomach along with an aching headache as if Rin's actual time of death happened in front of her.

Then they were aware of Guy, who suddenly dropped by from the east looking grim.

'So, this is where you both have been! Both of you have a mission and are summoned immediately.'

Kakashi and Misaki brushed themselves off and straightened themselves. Their eyes were freezing ice and their emotions slight. Guy only grunted, besides, it was not like he expected a cheerful expression anyways.


 Minato sat behind the desk, anticipating for Kakashi and Misaki to answer his summons and walk through the door. He knew he didn't have to wait long for he knew that those two would be punctual regardless of whether he was Hokage or not, which put a smile on his face immensely. He wasn't surprised when both of them walked in wearing unnoticeable expressions but Minato knew them too well to the point where he would know their feelings by the slightest movements.

Misaki plastered a small smile, and the sides of Kakashi's mouth twitched a little, showing the tiniest smile ever possible. He started to wonder, as he regarded them warmly, if he should relax a little and show a little favouritism even knowing that there are chuunins stationed outside?

Kakashi cut straight to the point with a formality that Minato was quite familiar with.

'There's a mission?'

Minato stood up. 'Yes, I want you both to retrieve documents regarding the peace treaty.'

Misaki and Kakashi nodded. 'Yes.'

'There are still shinobi desiring for war.'

Misaki felt boiling anger taking control over her because she is unable to understand whoever that still desires war after so many losses for both sides. In reality, nobody won and only lost far too much. Her cold anger must have shown in her face since she felt a tug at her wrist.

'And there are rumours that they are trying to steal the documents to create discord.'

'Please do your best on this mission.' 

Kakashi and Misaki would never fail Minato even if their lives depended on it, so they just responded with their blant nods and departed the short distance back to the main gates to immediately start their seemingly simple mission. When it came to their jobs, they were ruthless and mute comparable to the Anbus of the Leaf.

And that's what terrifies Minato the most.

Ice Flower(Kakashi Love Story Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon