Chapter 7

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The weather was at it's best of mood. It wasn't too hot nor too cold; but Misaki hardly ever remember Konoha being cold at all. It was a typical day in the hidden leaf village. And despite the frenzy of bodies shoving into each other outside, the ruckus, commotion, and the general chaos, those typical days were some of the best.

She and Kakashi had been requested to meet the Legendary Sannins after they had completed their part at the adminstrative division; for an unknown reason that immeadiately aroused their curious minds. Right after they finished, they plunged immeadiately into the streets of Konoha, avoiding tall shoulders, and waving at familiar faces along the lines. It was just coincidence that they had to pass by the academy which was located directly at the base of the Hokage Mountain to reach to Jiraiya's deluxed apartment. As if time bidded it, both of them shot a long glance at the red building, both sullened suddenly.

'It felt so long...' She thought absentmindedly, hands in her pockets, eyes following up to the top of the building. Among the sounds of summer, she could hear children laughing, books flipping, and the clicking of the teacher's rod on the black board. So much had happened since those days, when Misaki would yawn tiredly during lessons, and wonder why time was passing by so slowly.

Their teammates' names slowly breezed by their minds; so both of them immeadiately urged on. 

It was too painful to remember now; just too much.

Too lazy to ring the door bell, both of them just walked up the tallest tree bark, leading to Jiraiya's room which was widely opened to invite the sunlight in. Flipping their bodies over, their sandals clicked on the rough branch that lead directly inside the carpeted floor. As if knowing that they had arrived already; Jiraiya turned around with a bright smile wearing his over-sized swampy green robe. He was currently working on his writing career, judging from the paper and pen lying on the desk which was in front of two shelves of books- Misaki noted.

'So, you guys are here.' He said warmly, gesturing his palm upwards at the two jounins inside his house. Both of them then shuffled awkwardly into the room; feeling the artificial breeze coming from the ari conditioner.

'It has been hard for both of you.' Jiraiya registered first, as both of them slipped their shoes off and sit in front of him. He himself knew the horrors that ninjas go through during war, and he had only experienced it when he was twice older than both of them are.

It had became a daily routine to hide their grief and sadness away; so it wasn't difficult to compose an emotionless expression as they nodded mutely at their senpai.

'Where's Tsunade and Jiraiya sensei?' Misaki changed the subject, suddenly finding her feet oddly interesting to avoid Jiraiya's watchful gaze. 

'Well, Orochimaru-' Jiraiya started off as if he was extremely uncomfortable.

'Is off to his usual things and Tsunade?' He grinned now. 'Well, I suppose drinking.'

'Is it alright to leave her alone?' Kakashi asked anxiously, perfectly aware of what would happen if Tsunade had ever gotten drunk.

'Well, it's not a first.' Jiraiya shurgged lightly; frowning once he decided to resume to his original subject intended. Misaki had to smile at that. At least Tsunade was in Konoha, not elsewhere. Ever since Tsunade suffered loss from the Second War, she had been a nomad, never staying in one place for too long. So was Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

'But the reason I want you both here is that-' Jiraiya paused suddenly, contemplating if he should tell.

'Misaki, I want you to learn senjutsu.'

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, processing Jiraiya's words, and subconsciously tugging the skin of her left thigh. Kakashi too, was surprised, and his exposed eyes crinkled in thought. Her shoulder suddenly hunched heavily as her eyes did too.

'Why me?' She whispered after a while. Her physical body dreaded the words. They hadn't move in a long time ever since Rin's death, and she wasn't sure if her own brain would be of any use to pick up a new skill.

Kakashi on the other hand, wondered why he was here if it was all about Misaki. Then it struck him. Senjutsu was an incredibly complexed form of ninja skill that even Jiraiya and Orochimaru took ages to pick the skill up. Even if Misaki was able to learn it the fastest she could, it would take weeks, weeks away from Konoha.

Weeks away from him.

Jiraiya sighed, looking out to the blue chirping birds that flew away once they felt Jiraiya's attention fluttering towards them.

'Konoha has suffered heavy military forces because of the war, you both know that. We need to heighten back our forces, so therefore...' He stared hard.

'One of you needed to learn senjutsu.'

His eyes then wavered anxiously.

'Minato didn't like this too much, but the Hokage agreed to this, however, he still needs Kakashi here to regulate his duties in the village.'

'So, will you take this task up?'


'Jiraiya-sensei, must it really be-?'

'I'll do it.' Kakashi was so stunned that he couldn't say anything.

She smiled a little. 'It must be me.'

Jiraiya nodded back.

'I suppose I'll be learning both the toad and the snake?'

'Yes.' Jiraiya scrunced his nose as if he had tasted something sour in his mouth.

'So, when will I be leaving?'

'In a few days, with me, Tsunade and Orochimaru. At night.'


'Yes.' Jiraiya confirmed. 'It's crucial to prevent too much attention to this. You see, this art isn't for anybody.' He winked, which Misaki nodded again at once more.

'Why?' Kakashi asked bitterly, startling both Misaki and Jiraiya. Normally, he never raised his voice. Normally, he would be envious if Misaki was the one to learn a new skill. Normally, he would be the one scrambling to find Minato right after this and not give two cares if she had left the village to join someone else.

But now, he felt white anger leaping for a strange reason to his ears.

He didn't want her to leave him all alone, he just didn't want to.

However, Misaki smiled knowingly, both mixed with sadness, and guilt, perhaps? Her eyes sparkled with a teary coat over it and she straightened her body upright. Kakashi still stared, still studying her every expression.

'I have to, Kakashi. I can't lie here and do nothing to help the village.' She had an incredible sense of self-duty as a ninja.

After all, if she wasn't a ninja of Konoha, what was she?

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