Chapter 12

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'Why are there so many?' She cursed at at least a hundred D-ranked ninjas as she raced through the trees with Kakashi, her eyes constantly floating to the back to make sure that their scrolls and letters were still stored safely inside her backpack. Now, she wished she had swallowed it altogether to heighten it's security, but this time, she underestimated this mission and did nothing of that. 

She could easily get rid of the 100 ninjas, it was not a problem unless they were of the same rank as her, but it wasn't the same with her partner whose face was as white as snow, with movements as wobbly as a genin. However, his eyes still shone determination to complete this mission with defaults holding him back. But that determination was reckless, and even stupid to the point where it might cost his life. Kakashi rarely showed that, except now.

Even more so, she wasn't feeling so great herself. She lacked weeks of good sleep, and the tripled amount of times she trained did it's toll...

Kakashi already started to weave his chidori's hand signatures despite his equal weariness, bringing forth the cackles and buzzes that gave the skill it's name. She couldn't stop and get herself killed, but she was stunned and shaking, as sudden visions of Rin caught hold of her mind with its fingers, enfolding her, whispering all the time,' You weren't there, you weren't there'. It was as if her body lost it's nerves, and she wished she were dead for at least the hundreth time, and tenths of other impossible things to happen - to save her and Kakashi.

The enemy's weapons began to lash at them.

'Kakashi!' She screamed and clawed Kakashi's arm, hauling him away. He was panting, staggering at her tight grip. Since only one hand of hers was free, she formed the half-shape of a 'ram' handsign, barely needing words to form chakra to achieve a jutsu. She needed something fast, and lethal.

'Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere.'

It was a jutsu that is exhaled by it's caster, and dispersed over an expansive ranger, enough to make it difficult to avoid them entirely without taking any damage. Due to the properties of this technique, the expelled blasts are capable of piercing into it's opponent's flesh when they collide with it. In this case, Misaki performed this technique expelling a more spherical bullet at her 100 targets.

The rogue ninjas flopped backwards, side-wards, howling in pain as the thin air sliced their skin several times, inflicting sounds of swords slashing and dancing through the air. The lower-grounds was suddenly filled with bleeding bodies and moaning sounds. Their bodies were painted in large, clean gashes. She landed onto a strong branch, at least a few feet high from the ground below her. She gasped in frustration at herself, and suddenly jerked in surprise.

There were only 99 ninjas on the ground...

The last one came flying from behind, holding his kunai within his hand, yelling with rage, deciding to avenge his fallen comrades with an easy kill from behind. But, Misaki did not hesitate, did not even look back with a face full of horror and aghast that she missed a target. It was because she had people she trusted beside her.

She meant it.

In a few moments, the green beast and red-eyed genjutsu master came lashing down at him. Guy easily finished him off with his strong kick that sent him spiralling off the air before the two ANBUS killed him with a stab of their shaven swords

'Kakashi, Kakashi.' She pleaded for a reply as she shook him. The masked boy that collapsed into her arms was shivering in memory of his earlier events. With a muster of effort, he looked up to see her face glistening with sweat and concern. His eyes dampened with tears of guilt and anger he felt for himself. He was nothing but a luggage on this mission. His vision went blurry, jagged with cuts, and all he muttered was...

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'

Then he was out.


'Misaki! Compose youself!' Kurenai ordered, shading her eyes away from the ANBUs that was sparing no lives on the ground below them. Misaki's eyes were filled with emotions such as fear, guilt and despair. Kurenai swore, damn it, judging from their behaviours, both of them were experiencing post-traumatic stress. 

The red-eyed girl gripped Misaki's arms and focusing as much eye contact with her, giving her a sense of purpose to hold on. Despite that, Misaki couldn't stop shivering, she went down, sprawling on her face, sobbing, feeling the tears threatening to come out but never did.

It was so hard to swallow everything...just so hard.

She heard Kurenai and Gai again, and she shouted back in answer.

'I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it anymore...'

Then everything and everyone disappeared in the white sound of her screams and sobs.


Really short...>.< But it seems to fit nice, I guess.

I feel like I need to add a little something down here.

I think some people may be wondering, isn't Misaki somebody of extraordinary skills and control of emotions? Where are all the fighting scenes?  

I want to display a more weak side of this character. People always seem to believe that strong and powerful people are always like that and without any weaknesses. I wish to differ that in this whole series. Because they were weak and helpless once, they were able to grow strong and hard. Misaki is currently going through one of her toughest phasea of life at an incredibly young age which is affecting her greater than she expected, that's why she isn't exactly as 'cool' now because she is going through hard times, and is in the process of molding herself into an even stronger person. Even so, she isn't going to be powerful and mighty always because nobody can be strong 100% of the time. That's why the more cooler fighting scenes are currently absent from this series.

I hope you enjoyed my mini explanation/rant lol. Any questions, please do ask!

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