Shop till we drop

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Miss Abby said that we had to get some better leotards and costumes to wear.

All of us went to this dance shop called dancing Lee yours.

When we walked in there was a million shoes and costumes and rhinestones and everything a dancer can dream of. We walked over to the racks. Me, Paige and Kalani have become really good friends. We found a couple of leotards to try on. Kalani decided she would try them on first.

The first one she comes out in is and plain black spaghetti strap leotard that was pinched between the chest.

"That one is really pretty." Paige says.

Kalani replied by saying, "Ya I like it too. I'm gonna try on the rest.

A couple minutes later she came out with another leotard on. It was just like the other one but the straps were cris cross.

"I'm gonna get this one." Kalani said.


We jut go leotards and now were looking for our shoes. We have to get a pair of ballet shoes and some pointe shoes.

We fine the right shoes so next we got hair products. We got glitter hairspray and pink tights.


*Hotel room*

I'm in my hotel room with Kalani. My mom and her mom Kira are pretty good friends. We were sitting there with our pj's on watching pitch perfect. Then Kalani speaks up.

"I know Maddie is being a real jerk to you." Kalani said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yea. Maddie told me that she hates you and wish you were never born. Don't let her get to you. Your amazing. The only reasons why she's saying this stuff about you is because your her biggest competition. You CAN be her. She's telling you this to bring your confidence down."

I realized what Kalani said.

"Then why does Abby think I suck." I ask.

"You just have to show her you can be the best. You need to be the best."

To be the Best //Chloe LukasiakWhere stories live. Discover now