On the road again

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Today is the day of competition. I got all of my costumes and I ready to compete. I need to nail all of my turns and my jumps. If I win I will be so happy. I will show Abby that I am the best. I CAN be the best. I WILL be the best.

We were having a nice ride to our competition until Maddie thought it would be funny to throw her frappe all over me. I was drenched.

"What was that for?!" I asked Maddie as she poured the brown liquid on my head.

"Well I thought you would look better as a brunette." She smirked.

Maddie and her new best friends Ava and Sarah H laughed their heads off.

Kira, who is Kalani's mom, walked over to me.

"Don't let them get to you."

To be the Best //Chloe LukasiakWhere stories live. Discover now