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i walk through the halls of the empty school, in always one of the first people at school. i don't like it or anything, it's just better than being at home with my brother and mom. i head towards the commons which is wear everyone would meet in the mornings before we go to class.

there is very few people here, probably about 4. i scan the room to see if anyone i know is here yet, which is highly unlikely. there are two blonde girls sitting in the table closest to me talking about the latest episode of 'the bachelor', a gorgeous boy sitting at a near table with his earbuds in tapping his foot to the beat of the song, i've seen him around but never bothered to ask his name. the next person i lay my eyes on is chris.

"selicity!" chris yells even though i would be able to hear him fine if he spoke regularly. his loudness startles the two girls and makes the hot boy look up from his phone. i shoot all of them a quick apologetic smile and walk towards chris.

(i picture chris as alex aiono)

"hey buddy, could you yell any louder?" i mumble sarcastically.

"actually yeah, wanna see-" he starts, but i quickly cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand, "thanks, but no thanks. i'm trying not to burst my eardrums."

he smiles licking my hand that was covering his mouth. "ew!" i exclaim, wiping my hand on my very distressed boyfriend jeans.

by now, people were starting to fill up in the cafeteria.

"hey ugly bitch." i hear from behind be, i immediately roll my eyes at the voice.

"what the hell do you want?" i mumble rolling my eyes at my twin brother, christian.

"mom said to give me lunch money."

"uhh.. no. fuck off. you're not getting shit. now stop talking to me, you're ruining my street cred." i smile sarcastically.

he flips me off before running over to all of his jock friends. i hate all of them, they're all dicks who don't give a shit about anything but football. they're possibly the loudest group in the school. acting like animals every time a pretty girl walks by.

"chris, sel!" i hear sam call us from behind us.

i look towards her and gesture for her to come over, she drags anthony with her a bored look in his face.

"hey sam, hey anthony." i smile at the couple, they've been dating literally since middle school i have no clue how they do it.

they both greet me back before sam speaks, "so how was your internship? save any lives?"

i shrug, fiddling with the ring on my thumb, "it was okay. i'm not allowed to speak about the callers though.."

she nods her head understandingly before the bell rings. we all part our ways and head towards our own classes.


chapter two is done, whoop whoop.

alex aiono is such s daddy tbh :/

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