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selicity banks

ethan slams the door as he walks out.

"you've got to be fucking kidding me." i mumble storming after him.

i run up to his room and grab my keys, and the nike shorts, that i had left here the other night and quickly slide them on.

when i reach the front door i see ethans mercedes pull out of the driveway.

"ethan!" i yell, he looks at me through the window and continues driving.

i unlock my car running towards it and starting it.

my car drives away trying to follow him, but i'm too late.

"fuck." i mumble.

i figure since there's no point in even trying to find him, that it's best to just get my stuff from his house, and then try and contact him, give him some time to realize that me and grayson weren't doing shit.

i turn the car around, my anxiety was at an all time high and i couldn't stop it. i kept thinking of the worse, what if he doesn't believe me? what if he never talks to me again? what if he tries to do something.. stupid.

by now tears were heavily running down my cheeks, just thinking about him not being in my life anymore made me cry.

i walk into the house and grab my things.

my clothes from last night, my shoes, and my charger.

i go to grayson's room and knock on the door.

"come in." he yells.

i walk in and he's sitting on his bed with his face in his hands, "gray?"

"hey sel, i've been calling ethan nonstop and he hasn't answered. i'm sorry." he was crying too.

"grayson it's fine, it's not your fault. i'm gonna go and try to find him." i mumble, he nods.

"selicity?" i hear as i'm walking out.

"yes, grayson?"

"will you tell ethan about me and your brother please? i feel like he'd like to hear it from you. and make sure he doesn't tell anyone, okay?"

"okay grayson."


i've driven to all of the places that i thouht ethan would would be. nothing.

he hasn't answered his calls or texts and i'm beginning to get even more worried.

i pull into the parking lot of the park we were at a couple days prior.

he has to be here. if he's not i'll start assuming the worst.

i get our of the car looking around, the weather was very gloomy. and there was so much fog in the air it was hard to see.

i finally see a figure sitting on a bench a couple yards away from me.

there weren't any cars in the parking lot so i dont know if it's ethan or not.

i get closer to the figure and see the maroon vans hoodie and come to the conclusion that it's definitely him.

i sit down beside him and he scoots away.

"ethan-" i sigh.

"i dont want to hear it, selicity." he snaps, i know he's pissed due to the fact that he used my full name.

"it wasn't what you thought it was-"

"bullshit!" he yells cutting me off again, "i knew  you've been fucking around with him. just admit it-"

"he's gay, ethan!" i yell even louder than him.

his angry expression fades to a shocked one.


"grayson gay. hints why we were both crying. he's been too afraid to tell anyone because of how theyd react. me, you, and christian are the only ones who know."

"christian? he told christian before me?" ethan raises an eyebrow.

i sigh, "christians the one he's gay for."

ethan says nothing, just stares at the ground.

"are you gonna say anything?" i was a little annoyed by now.

"what am i supposed to say?" he snaps, quickly lifting his head up.

"i dont know, you should be happy for him!"

"i fucking am! i just don't know how to show it."

"tell him, he's probably shutting himself right now. ethan, he's so scared for how people will react. your parents, your sister, his friends.."

ethan nods, pulling out his phone and i'm guessing calls grayson.

"hey bro." ethan sighs.

"i just want you to know that i love you no matter what, man. gay or not you're still my twin and i really appreciate you. i'm proud of you, gray. thanks for telling me." his voice cracks.

his eyes were watering, jeez- everyone been crying today..

i hear grayson say something and ethan weakly laughs.

"yeah man, whatever. i'm gonna go apologize to my girl for being a overreactive cunt. love you man, bye." he says pressing a button ending the call and sliding the phone into his hoodie pocket.

he then turns and faces me, "sel, baby, im sorry. i should've listened to what you had to say. i really like you and that's why i was so pissed when i thought you picked my twin over me."

"ethan," i let our a weak laugh, "it's okay."

he stands up and opens his arms for a hug.

i wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzling my head into his shoulder.

"god, i love you." he mumble.

my eyes widen as i hear those four words fall from his lips.

i love him back but i'm afraid to say it.

"shit. i shouldn't have said that, too soon im sorry-" he pulls away from the hug.

i cut him off my placing my lips on his.

"shhh, it's fine. i love you too."


oh damn.

sorry for any spelling errors :/


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