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"dolan! banks! my office, now!"

"fuck" i mumble under my breath, it was principle hanks, hate that little bitch.

me and ethan stand up and walk towards him, he grabs one of ethan's arms, and one of mine, and walks us to his office.

"what do you think you were doing?" he scolds, "being in an area on campus when you're not supposed to." for some odd reason he was hella strict on when and where you're supposed to be.

"i'm sorry sir, i had totally forgotten about the rule of no going in the courtyard before or after school. i had some homework to catch up on, and the commons was too loud." i lie.

"that's your excuse, what's yours, dolan?" he sneers

"i was helping her with... biology homework." he nods, "i also had forgotten about that rule, sir.."

the principle nods his head firmly, "you two are let off the hook, only because both of you guys' grades are so good, and mr.dolans dad is a principle in the district, so i know he wasn't up to any trouble. now, get out of my office and go to class kids!"

me and ethan scurry out of his class and down the hall, the halls were now empty because class had already begun.

"what class are you going to?" i ask

"mr. kendrick, C125, you?"

"ms. myer, C123" i laugh, our classes were right by each other and we didn't even know.

we part ways and go into our own classes.

(***)-***-**** - hey pal
me- who dis
(***)-***-**** - ethan. dumba$$
me- i'm OFFENDED
ethan dolan-  dONT BE
me - my address is 4200 west branch lane come on by whenever you please.
ethan dolan: niceee see u then!

he seems happy.


after school

i pull into my driveway and park my car.

ethan dolan- hey! i'm about to head your way, hope its not too early. me and grayson got in a really big fight..

me- yeah! it's fine! i just got home lol. you can talk to me about it if you want.

i jog up onto my front porch and walk inside.

"hey christian. hey mom!" i smile.

"hello selicity, how was school?" my mom smiles, she works nights so she's always here when i get home.

"hey bitch." christian snorts from the couch.

"language." she scolds

"school was pretty good, i'm having a friend over tonight is that okay? they're not staying the night."

"depends on who this 'friend' is."

"his names ethan, and i met him through work." i say through my teeth so christian doesn't hear.

"ohh, okay. i guess that's fine. no funny business though. i'm too young for grand babies!" she laughs.

i jokingly roll my eyes, "you don't have to worry about me on that, if i were you, i'd worry about the one sitting on the couch."

"screw you!" christian yells as i run up the stairs.

i hear the front door open and close so i assume my moms gone.

ethan dolan - pulling in ur street

me - okay, i'm here!

i quickly spray some fabreeze around the house and my room, just as i set the bottle down i hear a knock on the front door.

i run down the stairs, almost busting my ass in the process. and open the door.

"hey eth!" i smile moving to the side so he can come in.

"hey sel." he says quietly, "sup christian!"

"yo! ethan! how's it goin bro?" christian smiles getting up off the couch and going to give ethan a bro hug.

i smile watching the two and waiting till they're done.

"want anything to drink?" i say walking over to the fridge and opening it.

"water please." ethan says smiling

i hand him the water and lead him to my room.

i open my door and ethan sets his bag down.

"so what time does your mom want you home? i don't mind how long you stay in just wondering." i shrug.

he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "well, that's the thing.. my mom doesn't really want me to come home at all. i said some shit to grayson during our argument and she got butthurt so she kicked me out for the night. i was planning on sleeping in my car though.."

"you're not sleeping in your car, ethan. you can stay at my house, my mom won't mind. do you have clothes?" i raise an eyebrow.

he slowly shakes his head.

i nod, "you can borrow one of christians shirts and i'll wash your pants and shit."

"really? you're the best selicity. i would stay at one of my guy friends houses, but they'd probably tease me for it.." he trails off.

i put a hand on his shoulder, "i promise i'll never make fun of you for any of that shit. your situation isn't funny to me."

he smiles at me before looking around, "so, what are we gonna do?"

"well, i figured first we would go eat at mickey's diner then maybe head to the boardwalk and play some games?" i raise an eyebrow, smirking.

"sounds fun." ethan smiles.

i slip on my vans, grab my phone along with my keys, and walk down the stairs, ethan following closely behind.

"where're your gayasses going?" christian speaks.

"boardwalk." i mumble.

"can i come?"

"nope. goodbye!" i yell and close the front door.


yes queens, a new chapter indeed. go check out my other book 'oops' please!!! thank youuuuuuuuuu ❤️ (also, sorry for any spelling errors :/)

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