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"wait, grayson actually did that?" i snort, taking a sip of my milkshake.

ethan nods, laughing also, "yep. my mom still doesn't know about it. my sister does but me and her have been sworn to secrecy. what's the craziest thing you've caught christian doing?"

right now we were at mickeys eating dinner, we had already been here for about two hours and it was starting to get dark.

"umm, let's see.. one time i walked in on him and acacia they were fucking and i saw everything." i say shuddering, "that's something you can't unsee."

ethan bursts out laughing.

"not funny. it was so scary. like, everything was out. i saw the bitches cooch! it was disgusting."

his laughing fades away, "it's getting dark, shall we go?"

i nod grabbing my tray and throwing my trash away. i lead him out to my car and we both hop in. i pull of the parking lot and head towards the boardwalk. thankfully it was only about 25 minutes away.


the drive mostly consisted of me and ethan screaming our lungs out to kid cudi and him constantly staring at me as i was driving.

when we park at the board walk we both quickly get out and walk towards the game booth.

the sign reads '$5 for 5 darts." it's a balloon popping game.

"i got this." ethan says cockily, as he pulls out $5 bill and hands it to the carnie. she hands him 5 darts and he starts going at it.

he immediately hits 5 balloons which earns him any prize of his choice.

"which one do you want?" he asks, raising an eyebrow looking at me.

my eyes scan the selections until it lands on a stuffed bear that's about 2 1/2 feet tall.

"that one." i point towards the bear.

she hands me the bear and i thank her as we walk away.

"thanks, E. i really appreciate it." i smile, looking up at him.

he shrugs, smiling, "you're very welcome. now which ride should we ride first?"

i point towards the farris wheel at the end of the boardwalk and ethan nods.

we walk side by side in a comfortable silence. we're about half way there when i feel ethan's hand lightly brush up against mine. i choose to ignore it as i presume that it's an accident. the next time he does it, he links his fingers with mine and i smile, looking over at him.

he smiles down at me and then we finally reach the farris wheel, hand in hand.

"$2 please." the ride worker says, holding his hand out. we each hand him $2 and he thanks us, letting us onto a seat.

we sit down by each other and began to talk.

"wow. this view is-" i start

"dolan?!" we hear someone yell.

we both turn around and brice king, the star quarterback.

ethan let's out a small groan making sure brice doesn't hear, "hey brice. how's it goin man?"

"pretty good. i see you're taking banks' sister out. nice one man! you've accomplished something we've all wanted to do!" brice smirks, he knew he was pissing me off.

"eat shit brice. don't you have an std to catch?" i snap, rolling my eyes.

ethan let's out a stifled laugh as brice huffs and gets off the ride when it's his turn to get off.

the ride starts moving again and then stops when we reach the top.

"as i was saying, this veiws is gorgeous." i smile.

ethan nods, staring at me, "indeed it is..."

i look over at ethan and we make eye contact. soon, he slowly starts to lean in, and so do i. i feel his lips on mine and, i know it's cheesy brace yourself, and i felt fireworks in my stomach.

i pull away smiling and he smiles back, i scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, he suddenly wraps his arm around me and we sit like that until the rides over.



sorry for any spelling errors ://

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