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"fireworks. got me feelin like glitter" i sing along. i left ethans house around 30 minutes ago and how i was picking out my outfit.

"sel!" christian yells barging into my room.

"what?" i snap, turning to face him.

"when are you leaving for the party?"

i look at my phone and see that it's already 8. ethan said people should show up around 8:15.

"now. why?"

"can i just ride with you?" he begs.

"i guess. i'm probably gonna crash there tonight, with ethan. so you should ask gray." i mumble, standing up, grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone, "i'm leaving now. so let's go."

i quickly spray a shit ton of perfume on and christian puts on cologne. i unlock my car and hop in as does christian.

christian plugs in his phone and starts playing old lil uzi vert as i pull out of the neighborhood.


i pull up to ethans house and there's already a shit ton of people there.

"holy shit." i mumble, there were so many cars i had to park outside of the gate.

me and christian was up together, the door was closed but there was still people outside. i open the door and am greeted by the smell of sweat, cologne, and weed all mixed together.

there was huge speakers playing popular rap songs and the couches were moved so that there was a 'dance floor'.

christian tells me he's going to get a drink and i nod.

"sel, baby!" ethan exclaims, drunkenly stumbling towards me.

"hi, ethan." i giggle, "you're drunk already?"

he nods laughing loudly, making me smile.

"c'mon!" he yells, putting his arm around me and leading me to his kitchen.

"drink this. it's kool aid mixed with vodka." christian mumbles, handing me it as we walk in.

"yeah. drink it!" ethan laughs again.

i smile, taking a big sip, "not bad." i shrug.

ethan laughs taking a sip of his drink, i was assuming it was the same thing due to the red ring around his mouth.

"guess what?" ethan mumbles into my ear.

"what?" i smile.

he pulls out a pretty big blunt and a lighter and lights it up, offering it to me.

i gladly take it from him, thanking him, and taking a couple hits.

after we finish the huge blunt i'm high uut if my mind, but i'm still very alert.

"hey dolan!" i hear someone slur.

i turn around and of course it's chris.

"chris, no. get out. you're not fighting him." i i say through gritted teeth.

"who's gonna stop me?" chris smirks.

i grab him by his ear and start pulling towards the less-crowded upstairs,and he immediately scrunches up, "ow! oo! quit that hurts!".

i finally let go and i give him a light smack on the side of the head.

"why the hell do you wanna fight him? he hasn't purposely don't shit to you. you guys aren't fighting and that's final. so either you go home, or you can stay and enjoy the party without fighting someone. okay? okay." i say quickly and start jogging down the stairs.


"babyyyyy." ethan drunkenly laughs, stumbling onto me.

"yes, ethan?"

"i like you." he mumbles, kissing my cheek continuously.

sam laughs from beside me.

i️ laugh at his words, "thanks E, i️ like you too."

"no no no- sel, i️ think i️ love you."

my eyes widen and sam chokes on her drink.

"ethan" i️ laugh nervously, "you don't love me-"

"shhh" he cuts me off grabbing my cheeks and pushing them together.

"ethan, quit. paws off." i️ joke.

he quickly takes his hand away, "i'm sorry, sel."

"ethan it's fine, i️ was kidding-" before i️ could even finish my sentence, he was long gone.

i️ let out a breath, pulling out my phone to check what the time is. 1:30 am, wow.
i'm suprised i'm not dead asleep.

"i'm gonna go find him." i️ tell sam.

"that's fine. me and tony are gonna head home for the night. we're giving chris a ride home too. love you sel, stay safe!" she mumbles as she hugs me.

"love you too sammy." i️ mumble.

after sam walks away, i️ weave through the crowds of people, trying to find ethan.

i️ see grayson and decide to question him.

"gray, have you seen ethan?"

grayson shakes his head and continues to make out with the girl he was with.

finally- i️ found ethan in the basement of the house. that's where most of the makeouts and smoking was going on.

he was sitting in a spinny chair with some freshman girl sitting on his lap.

"hey sis, get off." i️ state bluntly.

she rolls her eyes, popping the gum that was in her mouth, "no."

i️ gently grab her hoop earring and pull it up making her body go up with it.

"ow ow ow! you bitch." she yells.

i️ grab ethans hand and lead him towards the stairs, flipping the girl off.

"are you mad at me?" ethan mumbles once we reach his room.

"no, ethan." i️ laugh

"good. i'm tired."

"so am i️."

"will you sleep with me?" he asks, taking off his hoodie and pants, leaving him in his calvin kleins.

i gently nod, grabbing a vans t-shirt from his drawer, walking to the bathroom, and putting it on.

i wasnt too worried about leaving the party, because i figured grayson had it under control.

"ethan," i whisper.

"hmm?" he mumbles.

"can i  text grayson off of your phone?"

he nods handing me the iphone 7+, "the passwords 1738"

i lightly giggle at his choice of password but go to text messages.

me- grayson, it's selicity. me and ethan are gonna go to sleep, i assume u have it under control?
grayson- yeah
grayson- also, don't tell your brother about the chick i was making out with..
me- lmao ok? why?
grayson- don't ask. just don't tell him. thanks!


i'm so depressed rn it's not even funny

sorry for any spelling errors

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