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i wake up to the sound of someone throwing up.

i slowly open my eyes and see ethan, lying on the bathroom floor vomiting his poor heart out.

"you okay?" i say groggily, sitting up.

"i'm fine-" he starts, but is immediately cut off by his own throw up.

"im gonna go get you some ibuprofen."

i slowly walk out of his room and into the bathroom that's in his parents room.

i just assumed it was in here so hopefully i'm right.

their room is massive, probably bigger than ethans. there's a king sized bed with a gold and red comforter on it, with about 16 decorative pillows. the room had a strong scent of lavender. the bathroom was fucking huge too. granite counter tops, and a bathtub that looked like a jacuzzi and a huge shower with like, 5 shower heads.

i see a cabinet and open it, it's stocked full with medicine and other goodies. i grab the bottle of ibuprofen and head down to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle.

the whole downstairs was surprisingly not that messy. a few cups here and there, and about 12 kids from our school asleep on the couch.

i grab a water bottle and jog up the stairs passing grayson's room.

"christian.." i hear grayson sigh.

i slow down and lean towards his door.

"i know, i'm sorry. she started making out with me! yeah, i'm really sorry. i swear.. okay, bye bro. you coming over today? awesome. text me when you're here."

i walk away uninterested because it was probably just one of their little arguments.

"took you long enough." ethan laughs weakly.

"i know, i'm sorry." i smile at him, handing him two ibuprofen and the water.

he smiles thanking me before taking the pills and chugging the water.

"so, how is it down there?" he raises an eyebrow.

"actually not that bad. a few kids passed out on the couch, some cups. that's about it though."

"cool, will you come down there with me and help me get rid of them?"

i nod following him downstairs.

the first person i see on the couch is bryce.

i roll my eyes and gently shake his shoulder.

"bryce, get up." his eyes slowly open and he shoots up.

"what? don't touch me. where am i ?" he says loudly and quickly, waking up some of the other sleeping teens.

"you're on ethans couch." i roll my eyes.

"oh. why are you not wearing pants?" he raises an eyebrow.

"get out." is all i mutter. he shrugs and grabs his things before stumbling out the from door.

me and ethan continues waking the other people up and eventually they're all gone.

"now it's just me and you." ethan smirks, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him.

"ew, and me." grayson scoffs, rolling his eyes, "disgusting."

"shut up, gray." ethan laughs as he leans in to kiss me.

i quickly put my finger on his lips stopping him, "not until you brush your teeth, vomit breath."

he groans and joking rolls his eyes as i laugh.

"i'm about to have vomit breath." grayson mumbles, making me laugh even harder.

ethan mumbles something under his breath as he jogs upstairs.

once he's gone grayson stands up and grabs me, "if i tell you something, can you promise that you won't tell anyone?"

"sure? unless it's gonna cause harm to you or anyone else-"

"shut up, c'mon, we're going to my room."

i nod following him, once we reach his room he quickly closes the door.

"uhh.. grayson-"

"i'm not gonna try and fuck you." he cuts me off, "but what i am about to tell you, you can't tell anyone. like, if you do, i'll ruin you and ethan. i dont want to, but it i have to i will."

"i promise i wont tell anyone, gray." i look him in the eyes.

he nods, "okay, it's about your brother and i."


"okay so when i first met him, i felt different about him. like, i liked him more than any of my other friends. he's my best friend, ya know? and i thought that what i was feeling towards him was normal. but then i started having these really weird dreams. about me and him, i'm not gonna go in depth but let's just say i told him about the dreams. at first he was a little weirded out, but then he thought about it more. the dreams made me realize that i like him, more than a friend way." by now grayson was crying.

"oh my god, grayson. you're gay." i smile, standing up and opening my arms to him.

"i like him a lot, sel." grayson cries into my shoulder.

"but the girl you were making out with?"

"i just now realized this morning that i like him that much, i was in denial." he cries even harder.

i soothingly rub his back, "shh, grayson it's okay. i'm proud of you."

"but my family, they literally hate gay people. they'll disown me."

"if they kick you out, gray, you can stay with us as long as you need. does christian feel the same way?" by now, even in tearing up. i always had a feeling grayson and christian were a little too close.

grayson pulls away, "yeah, he does. thank you so much sel."

i put my hands on his cheeks, "no problem grayson, i'm so glad you came to me for this. i wont tell a soul-"

"babe-" ethan bursts in, "what's this? why are you touching him? why was the door shut? why are you guys crying?"

"oh- grayson saw the girl he likes making out with someone else. he came to me to talk about it because me and her are friends."

"then why are you crying?"

"you know me, ethan. when anyone cries i start crying." i laugh nervously, it wasn't necessarily a lie. i do cry when someone else does.

ethan looks at us skeptically before rolling his eyes, "really grayson? you're gonna steal another one of my girls? fuck you man, you know how i felt about her. as for you sel, i thought you were different. but i guess i was wrong." by now for some reason ethan was ready eyed.

"ethan," i laugh, "it's not that-"

"i dont wanna hear it."


yeet, happy thanksgiving hoes.

sorry for any spelling errors :/

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