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i sign, spinning in the spinny chair that they put in my office. this job was quite boring and not as exciting as i thought.

i scroll through instagram and stop when i wee a notification pop up saying '@/ethan_dolan99 started following you!' i click on the username and scroll through the page. it was mostly pictures of sunsets and shit but then there was one with the hot ass guy from the commons at school sitting infront of a beautiful sunset. the caption was 'it feels like my life isn't mine.' it sounded familiar but i shrugged it off. i follow him back and go to snapchat, watching people's stories and such until my phone finally rings.

"new jersey suicide hotline, selicity speaking. how may i help?" i say sweetly.

"it's me again.." the voice says, it's the boy from yesterday who called. his name started with an E and that's all that i knew.

"hey there. you okay?"

"if i was okay i wouldn't be calling." he snaps, "today fucking sucked. it sucks going to school and having to deal with people who don't give two shits about you. all people care about is popularity and it's fucking annoying."

a-ha! i remember his name now, ethan.

"ethan, i totally understand how you feel. is your situation sort of 'the popular hot rich jock who acts like they're fine when really they're not?'" i say quickly.

he sighs, "i dunno, i want to go to a counselor but my mom wouldn't take me for shit. 'no ethan, you're not depressed, you're just sad! you'll get over it!', so since i can't get real counseling why not get free over the phone counseling."

i nod my head, even though it's my job to talk people out of suicide and not talk to them about their life, i decide to let him continue.

"tell me about your life ethan."

"uhh, okay? so my name is ethan i'm 17 i go to jersey high, i have a brother and a sister who hardly talk to me. my moms a bitch and my dad has cancer, yet still doesn't give a shit about his health. oh yeah, and i'm severely depressed! can't forget that one!" he says sarcastically.

"wow okay, what are some things you like to do?" i ask, i just want to know about him. i'm also surprised to hear that he goes to the same school as me.

"fuck, i like sunsets, like, a lot. i know it's gay or whatever but they're fun to look at. i like to play lacrosse, football, and i wrestle. what about you? i wanna know about you?"

"you don't need to know about me. i'm not the depressed one here.."

"you're right." he sighs, "i don't know what's wrong with me. i'm just never happy, like at all. can't remember the last time i was genuinely happy."

"everything happens for a reason E, things will get better. i can promise you that." i assure him.

he sighs mumbling something under his breath before finally speaking, "well, that's it. i guess you'll hear from me tomorrow. goodbye."

"bye ethan."


yee yee. chapt 3 is done whoop whoop.

1-800-273-8255 / ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now