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this chapter is dedicated to HowToDrinkBleach  this ones for you, mama. ;)


i pull into the huge neighborhood with MASSIVE houses. i knew ethan was rich, but i didn't think he was that rich. i follow the directions of my gps, his house was all the way in the back so i almost got lost a couple of times.

i pull up to possibly the biggest house in the neighborhood and my gps says this is it. there's a black gate that has the letter 'D' on it and behind it is a ginormous white mansion.

when i pull up to the gate, it opens automatically. i send ethan a quick 'i'm here' text, grab my bag, and walk up to the front door.

"hey!" ethan laughs, opening is arms for a hug.

i hug him, laughing as i do, "guess what i brought?"

"what?!" he exclaims.

i pull out my weed and my pipe and ethans eyes light up.

"hell yes! just what i needed!"

he pulls me inside and quickly shuts the front door, pulling me up the grand stair case that i'm guessing leads to his room. his room was all the way on the third floor.

"i have the whole top floor to myself." he shrugs.

ethans 'room' was just like a mini apartment. it had a kitchen and everything. not like a fully functioning kitchen but like- a sink, microwave and fridge. he had his own bathroom and office. he had a california king sized mattress im the corner by his bay window. in front of the bed there's a desk with a huge tv mounted on the wall. beside the tv is a desk with a mac computer and some papers on it.

on the walls are pictures of ethan and his friends, mostly group pictures of the football team, lacrosse team, and wrestling team. a lot of him and grayson. they were all in little picture frames by his tv.. i see some of the guys i know and even some of him christian.

"why am i not on here?" i tease him.

"do you wanna?" ethan looks over at me with a serious look on his face.

"fuck it, why not?" i smile.

he smiles back and runs downstairs to get his sisters polaroid.

he comes back in the room, fiddling with it.

"i-i really don't know how to work it." he mumbles.

i take it from him and and turn it around, so that the lens was facing us. i hand the camera to ethan.

"press this button when you're ready to take the picture." i mumble pointing at it. he gently nods.

i lean my head on ethans shoulder, smiling lightly. he presses the button and the flash goes off. the camera slowly prints out the small, rectangular paper and i smile.

"this is so cute." i tell ethan.

he nods, "you can keep that one. i want one of us doing goofy ass faces."

i nod, and we get into our poses.

i had my tongue out near ethans cheek, making it seem like i was licking him. he did this cheesy ass smile.

not gonna lie, it was pretty fucking goofy.

he laughs, grabbing a thumb tack and puts it in the wall, right by his bed.

"so what's there to do here?" i smile, looking around.

"uhh... hide and seek? but that's only fun when there more than two people. we could watch a movie i guess, you staying the night?"

"i mean, do you want me to?"

"you can if you want. like, i want you to stay but if you don't want to i totally understand. i figured if you did stay the night, you could sleep in my bed and i could sleep in grayson's. and then at like 6:30 tomorrow you could go home and get dressed and shut and come back for the party. but like i said, it's all up to you-" i cut him off.

"ethan," i laugh, "it's fine. i'll stay the night, ou can sleep in grays bed, and i'll sleep in yours."

he lets out a long breath, "okay. what movie do you wanna watch?"


my eyes slowly yawn as i roll over. immediately sending me off the couch and on to the carpeted floor., causing me to yelp.

"w-what? what's going on?" ethan snore, snapping his head up.

"nothing E, i just fell of the couch." i laugh.

he laughs with me, "what time is it?"

i grab my phone from the coffee table.

"twelve a.m."

he nods, "come here. i'll walk you up to my room."

i nod also, slowly standing up.

i follow him two flights of stairs before he stops.

"this is where i'll be staying." he gestures to what im guessing is grayson's room.

i nod and follow him up the stairs to his room. we stop at his door and i smile.

"goodnight e-" he cuts me off my giving me a peck on the lips.

"goodnight sel. sweet dreams."


oOf god bless america.

sorry for any spelling errors.

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