Please stay

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"That's it" she runs at Ariana but before she can do anything I hear a loud bang and I see Lauren's body on the floor.

Camila P.O.V

"NO" I run to Lauren's body "no no no come on Lo your ok your ok" I say feeling the tears burning my eyes.

"C-camz I'm-I'm fine" she says still being able to smile.

I turn around see Ariana still there I walk up to her and punch her right in the face then a few kicks to the stomach.

"S-stop camz" I turn around to see Lauren looking paler than usual I can see the blood surrounding her body.

I run to her and I hear police and ambulance Syrians from down the block.

By now the tears are streaming down my eyes.
Then I feel a familiar hand grab mine.

"H-hey p-pr-princesses shouldn't cry" she takes my hand and wipes my cheek.

Then I see her eyes start to close. "No lo stay with me please come on Lauren" I smack her a little and her eyes open.

Someone must have called the ambulance because the ambulance comes and pulls me away from her "no"

"Miss please we have to help her" I try to get in the ambulance with her but they won't let me.

"Are you family"

"I'm her girlfriend"

"I'm sorry miss only family" and they close the doors.

"I'm coming Lolo" as I'm running to my car I'm stopped buy the police.

"Ma'am we have some questions for you"

"Please can we do this later I have to go to my girlfriend" I say trying to get past them.

"Miss who shot your girlfriend" I look around and see Ariana being questioned by one of the people.

"It was her she shot her. You know what I'm tired of this" I say

I walk over to Ariana and try to get close to her but the police block my way.

"I swear to god if she dies grande I will kill you" she just stared at me with a blank expression"

"Listen ma'am I need you to help my out here we can deal with her later. Now how did this altercation begin"

"Look I don't have time for this I'm really sorry but I have to go to the hospital" I run off and before I leave I see them start to put Ariana in handcuffs good she deserves it.

I get in the car and wipe my tears. I have to stay strong for Lauren.


I walk into the hospital and go right to the desk. "Hi um im here to see a patient she should have just go in".


"Lauren Michelle jauregui margado" she types in the name.

"Are you family" ughhhhh why is it only family.

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