Chapter five

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Dipper's P.O.V.

We sat for a few more minutes until my eyelids became heavy and I fell asleep. The last thing I see is his smirk before the world turns black.

I wake up on a soft bed and feel a hand around my waist, I already knew it was him. "Morning Pine tree" he said lowly, I try getting out of his grip but it only tightens. He growls "you're my property now" those words make me shiver. After struggling some more he lets go "I want to show you something" Bill stands and grabs my arm dragging me out of the room. This place looks familiar as he pulls me down a long hallway.

We stop in front of a big door when he opens it I see a carpet, sofa, fireplace, piano and a golden statue. "Welcome to the tip of the pyramid" I cross my arms and walk towards the fire place where the golden statue is sitting. I gasp in horror, it wasn't gruncle Ford but my mother. Silently I start to cry, Bill holds me and I try not to give in but I do. Then he kisses me "you look better with a smile kid." Right now I just want to cry but I end up smiling and suddenly I wasn't as sad as I was before.

I don't know what it was but after looking at him for awhile I felt like I was getting closer to him and then I kissed him. No no no, you can't fall for him I start thinking to myself. He just smiles and says "Dipper I think I'm in love with you." I blush but realize this is my chance for revenge just play along and then get everyone back then end this madness. I fake a smile "well I think I just might love you too." It was at that moment I ask myself do I want revenge? It was a special moment and he smiled a genuine, gentle and adorable smile. "Iwasgonnauseyoutoendweirdmaggedon" he stared at me blankly "say it again, slowly." I sighed no way over this one "I was gonna use you to end weirdmaggedon." He nodded "I know you were."

Me and my loud mouth, he pulls me closer to him by my necklace "but I'll make you love me sooner or later." He was obviously angry and it scared me as he let go and went to a near by room then I heard loud banging, and smashing coming from that room. One of his henchman come up to me "boss wants you in the...basement" he said 'basement' with horror as if it wad the worst place on earth. He grabs my arm and leads me down to 'the basement' and as we arrive to our destination I notice cells and chains every where. The fear grows inside me what's gonna happen to me?! Will I get chained? Does he want me harmed? The henchman grabs my wrists and chain them and my ankles "please let me go...please?" I try begging but nothing he simply walks away only saying "boss will be down later to deal with you." I start to struggle more but the chains only become tighter.


After about an hour Bill walks down "hello Pine tree" I want to cry but I also want to hug him and never let go. "Bill take these chains off'' I try sounding annoyed. He just stares at me as if I'm some stranger asking for a million dollars "now why would I do that?" He smirks then snaps his fingers. Two henchman come in one with a bucket the other with water.

⚠️Warning⚠️: Dipper abuse ahead😐

"Tell me you love me" I shake my head not wanting to lie "fine! Have your way" he snaps again and the first one sets down the bucket the other fills it up. "Last chance, say it and mean it" I don't say anything and he grabs the back of my head roughly he dumps it into the bucket, his henchman hold my shoulders and Bill doesn't move my head. I start drowning and coughing then he pulls my head up "now say it" I refuse to give up and he dunks my head back in, it doesn't take long and I'm chocking. Once again he pulls my head up and I cough "okay, okay...I love you Bill." Satisfied, he smirks and dunks my head back in when he pulls it back out I hear the lamest excuse ever "oops my hand slipped." Everyone lets go and I sit there wide eyed and wet.

[A.N.] I finally updated, yay! I did it after all this time.

Am I kicked out of the fandom?😂

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