Hacked by Zak (includes Sarahs embarassing nickname)

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If you're reading this then sarah has yet to see this, when she does wish me luck.

Hey-o, I'm Zak Sarah's neighbor and we've been friends for like two year but she passed out right now so I'm bored.

-I have blue hair and eyes
-my favorite anime is...um...you're gonna make me chose one?
-I'm not ACTUALLY hacking sarah
-I shouldn't tell you her embarrassing nick name...it's 'Bear' 🐻 not bad but she thinks it is
-you should like comment her nickname on her last chapter to embarrass her😂
-I'm gay af
-and I love cuddles and stuffed teddy bears
-I'm staying at her house
-I DEFINITELY went through the emo phase 
-I have the world's greatest blessing (my boyfriend)
-I'm Voltron trash (hence the photo above)
-I'm also BillDip trash
-and Attack on titan
-I'm 17
-if she sees this plan a funeral
-my number is (666)-666-6666
-fav color is red
-apparently 1+1 doesn't =3
-my baby's name is Greyson
-when I say baby I mean boyfriend because I never fucked a girl nor do I like children
-I was the special savior that wiped her tears when she cried after SOMEONE broke her heart
-you know who you are
-I'm a cosplayer
-usually I cosplay from attack on titan
-school=torture zone
-I absolutely love salt and vinegar chips
-if you're still reading this you're a special snow flake
-if you already stopped you're a bad egg
-I do smoke...I know it kills trust me for a person like me that's a positive
-I'm a weakling who acts strong
-I once snorted glue
-I don't drink and I don't go to parties
-actually I'm a huge nerd
-I don't have glasses but I used to

I know it kills trust me for a person like me that's a positive -I'm a weakling who acts strong-I once snorted glue -I don't drink and I don't go to parties -actually I'm a huge nerd-I don't have glasses but I used to

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Zak is out

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