Chapter 8

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Dipper landed on something surprisingly soft and warm he opened his eyes as the grip got tighter. "Oh dear Pine Tree just what do you think you're doing?" (Dipper fell for him literally😂) shit, I was planning on landing else where. "Going...bungee jumping" once again shit "Pine Tree there's no cord nor did you have permission." Well played Cipher, well played "you knew I was gonna jump didn't you?!" He gulped and looked down. "Well yeah but I saved you's...okay?" I can't believe him, I shake my head in disappointment and disapproval. "You're the one in trouble" triple shit, will I get 'dunked' again? I sigh "yes Bill I know."

~~~later the castle~~~

Bill had his henchmen walk me back to the basement so I struggled and, yelled but no one hears me. Once we get down there they chain me up and one pulls out the knife from earlier. Okay, okay quadruple shit. He cut my cheek and both laughed "we should go before boss finds out that I cut him, he'll flip if he knows I cut 'his property' right in plan sight." One thing comes to mind, he already knows so what's he waiting for? Just as the curious thought comes it leaves as I hear stomping footsteps that are obviously angry and belong to the one and only, Bill Cipher. "Guards" more henchmen come take the two away leaving me and Bill alone. "Dipper because you're scared of heights I know how horrible it was for you to jump so I'm not gonna punish you for doing so you had enough but you'll be chained up while I'm gone and at night." What ever comes after quadruple shit.

He wipes the blood up and bandages it carefully, then kisses my forehead. "Mine" I gulp just wanting to kiss him and have him hold me forever to protect me so as soon as I'm unchained I hug him and he kisses me. "Bed time my queen" I groaned well should've seen that one coming.

[A.N: he's alive but this is a really short chapter because it's like 6:40 in the morning right now and yes I'm continuing the book, so don't get you're panties in a wad😂also I'm thinking about starting a one shot book but I don't know which ship to use]

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