My (not so) beatiful rant about my new school

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So I start school tomorrow and I have to ride the bus to and from school so I'll actually have time to update with long chapters so I will be updating regularly, hooray!! But on the other hand I'm a seventh grader and the only one I know in that entire school is a fifth grader that's my brother's best friend plus two other people that use to bully me at my old school. So I'm really scared especially because I'm going to West M, down in Zanesville and my mom told me a lot of rich people live in my neighborhood so a lot of kids there are rich and snobby and so they think they have the best school. I know what you're thinking and no I'm not rich. Plus today when I went for enrollment the office smelled like skunk butt. Like how can you have a heater that makes the place smell bad and call yourself  'the best school'??.

God save me. Oh and their having another seventh grader in my first period (we haven't met yet) show me around the school and to my locker. I wouldn't trust myself to show people around let alone trust someone else to show me around that's my age. I'll end up eating my sack lunch in the bathroom because I can't make one goddamn friend😖😭🤧 somebody plz kill me, THEN did I mention I'm like the third person to be picked up so I have to get up at six then get ready and walk half way down the road to the bus stop. I'll have no one to sit with at lunch and no one it sit with on the bus. Someon PLEASE KILL ME, I DON'T EVEN LIKE PEOPLE!! They'll ask me why I have red cheeks (it's natural) and ask why I have such a dorky book bag (has wings of freedom on it cause why not?) or they'll ask why I can't make on stupid friend😩😫the stress make me physically sick

So that's it I just needed to get it allll out, I wish someone I knew went there or maybe just someone that knows me. I'm NOT excited to get demolished tomorrow morning and all day.

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