early pickups and surprises

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We were laughing at chance trying to do hip rolls when I heard my phone ringing. I was still laughing when I went to check it and when I saw who it was my throat almost closed up. why would they be calling right now?

Kayla's POV

" Jennifer what's wrong you never call me during the day. what happened? is jade ok?" I asked frantically. By now I had all the guys near me to hear the conversation. "uh Kayla Jayden is fine but one of the other kids has a contagious sickness so we have to shut down and send the kids home to sterilize everything so none of the other kids get sick ." she said. I just let out a sigh of relief. "alright but right now I'm kinda in the middle of rehearsals...." by now Mikey had gone to get Tim." yes Kayla I'm sorry but we don't want to risk anyone else to get sick." Jennifer said. "I looked around and said " alright ill be there soon ." and with that I hung up. I sighed as I got up from my seat and went to Tim . " hey Tim I have to go get jade from daycare early because they have to shut down for the day can I bring him back here for the rest of rehearsal?" " sure no problem I understand but can I ask you a favor ?" he asked ." sure anything." " hold on chance come here." Tim said and chance came over " yea Tim whats up?" " well I know that you probably have to get your daughter , Brooklyn, too but you have to go to vocals and wardrobe and you cannot leave so I'm going to ask Kayla to pick up Brooklyn for you is that ok?" Tim asked chance while the color drained from his face and I just stood there shocked. " uhh... yea I guess so .but only if she's ok with it." chance said avoiding eye contact with me. Tim looked over at me with a questioning look. " sure no problem I know Brooklyn already anyways, I would be happy to pick her up." I said with a smile. " great well chance go back to rehearsal." he told chance. " I should be going too. don't want the kids to be waiting." I grab my stuff and start walking out " bye guys see you in a little bit." chance runs over to me and says, " we should talk later please." I can see worry in his eyes. " sure no problem ill text you when I'm on my way back bye ."

I walk out of the building to my car and drive over to the daycare. I get off and go into the daycare where I see Jen waiting with the kids. " sorry I couldn't get here sooner." " its ok , I'm sorry for calling you in rehearsal I just didn't want him to get sick we were ordered to shut down to sanitize everything for tomorrow ." she said " its ok but I really have to get back to rehearsals so I'm here to get Jayden and Brooklyn." she looked confused." why Brooklyn?" " well you know chance?" " the hot one who you talk about all the time?" she jokes. "yea that one, well Brooklyn is his daughter and he couldn't get out of rehearsals so I was asked to pick her up." I told her as she smiled like a crazy person. " how did you react to finding out he had a daughter ?" " I mean I was shocked at first but I am not going to judge him I mean its like we can relate to each other now." I told her and she smiled more ."thats good most people would probably freak out." " well I'm not most people but I do have to go so ill see you tomorrow." " alright bye." I walk over to Jayden and Brooklyn." hey jade ready to go?" " yea sissy." " ok." and I kneel down to see Brooklyn. " hey Brooklyn your daddy asked me to come get you and take you to go see him. you wanna go see daddy?" I asked the little girl. she smiled and said yes. so I picked her up and grabbed jades hand and walked to the car. after I buckled them up we were off back to the studio.

I got them out of the car and had Brooklyn on my hip and held Jayden's hand.we walked into the studio and the guys had just ended rehearsals. " dada!" Brooklyn exclaimed and I put her down and she ran into chances arms. " Brooklyn baby I missed you." and he showered her with kisses the sight made my heart melt. chance came over to me and hugged me and said thank you . " its no problem. are y'all done for the day?" " yea were done we are going to hang out in Michaels room if you want to come?" Mikey said. " sure I will come for a bit. want to go jade?" I asked him as I was holding him. " yes!" he yelled everyone laughed and I just giggled. we all left the studio and went back to the hotel.

A few hours later.....

We were just talking and goofing around and then settled down and watched a movie. Jayden and Brooklyn were playing with each other for a while but then they both got tired and Jayden was now asleep in my lap and Brooklyn was asleep in chances. " alright guys I thinks I'm gonna call it a night ." all the guys booed. " hey I have a 4 year old who needs sleep haha I'm going to go get him to bed so goodnight guys." " yea guys I'm going to take Brooklyn to bed also." chance said getting up after me. I grabbed Jayden and carried him out "night guys." the guys said goodnight back. As I'm walking down the hall chance is next to me with Brooklyn. we get to my door and I notice chances room is right next to mine. " I didn't know yours was the room that connected to mine?" I asked stifling a giggle. " apparently so . what are the odds." chance laughed. " thanks again Kayla I really do appreciate it. I can explain." I cut him off saying " don't worry about it I think its cute and I'm not mad haha. we can talk about it tomorrow I'm tired and I need to get him to bed." I said with a smile. chance smiled back and said " sure well talk tomorrow. good night beautiful." and he kissed my cheek. I blushed and said good night. I walked into my room and changed Jayden into his pajamas:

I kissed him goodnight and went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas :

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I kissed him goodnight and went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas :

I kissed him goodnight and went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas :

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once I was done I layed down and then my phone buzzed , was a text:

Chance😊❤️: Goodnight beautiful! lets go to lunch tomorrow so we can talk. we only have a half day for rehearsals tomorrow.

Me: sounds good☺️ can't wait good night chance .

with that I put my phone to charge and looked up at the ceiling smiling like a maniac. chance kissed my cheek. aghhh!!!! I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Authors Note: hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. so now Kayla knows that Brooklyn is chances and she's ok with it. Next chapter will be their lunch date and final rehearsals before the live show. feel free to comment any ideas for the plot line. I hope you guys continue to read this book. until next time bye!

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