Wedding Bells

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The next day...

Kayla's POV

" Ok Kayla you and Jesse do your partner stunt one more ok then your good to go." My cheer coach says and I nod. I am back  at cheer practice , I have been back for two weeks now and it feels so good. Right now practice is almost over . I finish with practice and  I say bye to everyone and head to my car and drive off. I call Presley and tell her to be ready so when I honk she comes outside. I get back to my house and she comes out and we head to venue for a last practice for tomorrow. We get there and we both go inside.

"Hey Melissa." I tell her giving her a hug and set my stuff down. 

" hey kay, so you excited for tomorrow." she asks me.

" um Melissa your the one getting married not me, but I am excited for this dance." I tell her laughing.

" Well I am really excited for tomorrow finally after so long I get to marry the man of my dreams." she says and you can literally see the hearts in her eyes.

"well I'm glad my uncle found someone like you Melissa you really make him happy." I tell her.

" ok lets save this sentimental stuff for tomorrow." she says and I nod.

"Alright lets go over the dance a couple Times then we should be good." I tell the other 4 girls.Melissa didn't want a big wedding party so she only has 4 bridesmaids. which makes cleaning this dance easier on me.

Two hours later.....

" alright guys I think we are ready for tomorrow , just remember this dance is about having fun but not outshining the bride obviously , so great job and make sure you don't forget to bring your costumes tomorrow , but I will see you all later bye." I tell them and they say bye. I go to get my stuff when Melissa comes up to me.

" Kayla are you coming to the bachelorette party tonight?" she asks me and I shake my head.

" no , you go have fun Melissa, your sister already told me the plans for tonight and she's taking you to a club and I'm not 21 so...." I explain to her.

" but neither is My cousin Vanessa so you won't be the only one ." she says to me.

" vanessa isn't going tonight either Melissa , it's fine go have fun on your night but not too much fun." I tell her.

" well since your not going can you do me a favor?" she asks me and  I raise an eyebrow 

" what?" I ask her.

" can you watch Melanie tonight for my brother , he doesn't have a sitter for her and he is going to Joshes bachelor party." she asks me and I sigh.

"yea I'll watch her , just tell him to drop her off at my house." I say to her and she hugs me and says thank you.

" well I got to go chance is coming over , so I will see you tomorrow ." I tell her giving her another hug.

" alright remember be at the hotel at 10am." I nod to her and Presley and I leave to go back to my house. when we get back home we sit on my bed.

" Where is Jayden?" she asks 

" he is with my grandparents, they assumed I was going with Melissa tonight , so they took him and are bringing him to the wedding Tomorrow." I explain to her and she nods.

" so whose Melanie?" she asks 

" she is Melissa's 1 year old niece, she's super adorable , Melissa's brother is a single parent so Melissa helps him out a lot which basically turns out to me helping out a lot , because Melissa asks me to watch her instead." I say laughing and Presley starts laughing too.

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