Announcements and concerts

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A couple days later......

Kayla's POV

"Kayla don't go...." Presley whines as I pack my things. I am leaving to go to New York with Michael.  I have a concert there and an interview with Kelly and Ryan. Michael is going because Michael always  goes everywhere with me and I asked chance and he said that he wants to spend as much time with Brooklyn as possible before he gets busy with the band again.

" Presley I will literally only be 3 days you will be fine." I tell her giggling.

" but thats 3 days without you and I will be bored." she groans throwing herself on my bed.

" why don't you hang out with your brother, I'm pretty sure he'd want to hang out with you." I tell her zipping up my bag.

"but he's boring , I don't know how you can date him." she jokes with me and I start laughing.

" he's not boring to me Pres. but you will be fine." I tell her and sit on my bed.

" ugh....fine but you will bring me back a souvenir right ?" she asks me and I laugh again.

" yes. I'll bring you back a souvenir." I tell her.

" good, but you ready to perform on that big stage." she asks me

" yea I'm excited and I get to now announce when me and Shawn's song is getting released." I say super excited.

"wow thats amazing , but what about the song with miles?" she asked me

" it's taking longer that expected , Miles is trying to focus on starting a career for himself so he asked if we could push back the release date of the song, and we said ok but hopefully we get to actually release it soon." I explain to her and she nods.

" well I can't wait to hear your new song , but how was it working with Shawn Mendes?" Presley asks squealing

" haha it was nice , he's a cool person to work with." I tell her.

" is he cuter in person?" she asks me and I just laugh.

"Presley I have a boyfriend , I wasn't thinking about if he was cuter in person or not." I tell her laughing

" ok ok . when do you two leave and are you taking Jayden ?" she says laughing.

" no I am sadly not , he is going to stay with my grandparents till we get back and our flight is at 7 so we have to leave in about an hour." I tell her getting up and going to my door.

" Michael , are you packed ? we have to leave in an hour." I yell to him from my door.

" yea I'm packed." he yells back and I say ok and go to sit back down next to Presley.

" so Kayla I have a question for you and answer honestly ." she says

" ok shoot." I tell her

" say chance were to propose to you. what would your answer be." she asks and I am taken by surprise.

" um... why is everyone suddenly talking about me and chance getting married all of a sudden." I ask raising an eyebrow at her and she starts laughing.

"it's not a bad thing Kayla, but it's because you two are so in love and it's adorable and everyone is rooting for you all to be endgame." she says 

" well I guess I wouldn't be opposed to the idea , but were both busy with our singing careers right now and I don't even know if he wants to think that far ahead." I tell her truthfully

" Kayla trust me , he loves you endlessly and between you and me , he's talked about it a couple times to us and our mom." she lets out.

" really?" I question

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