Dance partners and drama?

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Kayla's POV

ugh! I hate Monday mornings with a passion. I don't like getting up early either. Anyways I had to get up earlier than usual because Tim and nappy tabs wanted to meet with me and chance for some odd reason that I don't know. but rehearsals start at 9 but we have to be there at 8:30 but first I have to take jade to daycare. But a lot has happened in the last two days . the day after Jayden's party I met with Nathan to talk things out and he told me that he was sorry for abandoning us but that Daniel kept saying it was for the best if they left and then after a while he turned into someone he didn't recognize, but that he wanted to be more involved in our lives and he would do everything he could to make it up to us. And for once I could tell he was genuinely sorry and he was truthful so I told him it would take some time for me but I'd really like for him to be back in our lives. SO after that was done I went to the studio to meet with the producer and he looked at some of my songs and he liked them a lot so he wants to get recording soon which is so exciting. Its a dream come true , but back to the present. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to do my business.once I was done I picked out my outfit which I didn't feel like trying so I just put on something easy.

when I was done I got up and dressed Jayden and we headed to the lobby to meet up with chance and Brooklyn

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when I was done I got up and dressed Jayden and we headed to the lobby to meet up with chance and Brooklyn. once we were all there we drove them to daycare and dropped them off. Nathan said he wanted to pick Jayden up early and have him spend the night with him so I reluctantly agreed. but I know he would never put Jayden in danger. When we dropped them off we rushed to the studio for our meeting. 

We parked and walked into the room where nappy tabs and Tim Davis were waiting for us and I saw Mikey there also. I thought it was weird but whatever.

" hey guys thanks for coming in early but we wanted to talk with all three of y'all about something." Tim said and we all agreed.

" what is it Tim?" chance asked as we sat down on the couch and Mikey sat next to us.

" well nappy tabs this is your idea so tell them." Tim said .

" alright well we all that this week is break up week on the show and two of the groups are going to have back up dancers which is balls two groups but for new waves group since they are doing jealous we want to have the dancers interact with the guys." Tabitha said and I was still confused .

"ok but what do we have to do with that?" I questioned and the guys agreed.

"well thats a good question , well since you are a choreographer for the guys we want to feature you as one of the dancers that interacts with the guys in the group. " she said and it made more sense.

" well which guys would I be dancing with ?" I questioned and she smiled.

" well we figured since you and Mikey are close that you could be his dance partner but we know your dating chance and we don't want any drama so we brought chance in to make sure he's ok with it and he can be in rehearsals when your choreographing y'alls part so theres no tension. what do you think?" she asks us.

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