Friend days and battles

884 27 4

Kayla's POV

I was the first one to wake up. I noticed me and chance were on one bed and Michael and Alyssa were on the other and miles on the couch. I got up and went to the bathroom and wash up and then my phone rang and I picked it up and it was my friend who I used to go to street dance battles with and I got excited and took my phone and went outside the room to answer the call.

" hey vic whats up? long time no talk." I say into the phone smiling.

" I know right girl its been forever but how's living the fame life?" she asks laughing.

" hehe im not famous and it's been good and we moved into a new house and I have a single coming out next Friday and I'm excited but what about you how has the gang been?" I asked referring to the group off us who formed a dance gang and just dance for fun and go against other groups.

" they've been good they miss you we all do but I'm actually calling because we are going against the dragons tonight and we could really use you to dance tonight. what do you think?" she asks and I can hear the hopefulness in her voice.

" I don't know vic I'm supposed to spend the day with Michael today." I tell her.

" well its still early today and we don't go till 10 so please and you can even bring him along with your new boyfriend just please and the gang would love to see you again?" she's persuades me.

" fine I'll be there. but tell the gang not to say anything. we want it to be a surprise . the dragons won't know what hit them." I say smirking into the cell phone.

"yay! I can't wait to see you and ok I'll tell the gang but remember what to wear and be there by 9:45 got it?" she says and I laugh.

" I know vic I got this I'll see you there bye !" I say and we hang up.

so let me fill y'all in on the whole thing since I know y'all might be confused. when I was younger to avoid being in the house with my father me and jade would roam the neighborhood( I know its bad but gotta do what you gotta do) and one night we stumbled upon this group of people free styling so we went over and we started to get involved with them they became like our second family after Michael,miles, Alyssa and my uncle and grandparents. they took us in and basically I learned to dance from them and after a while the older guys who started the group left the gang and us younger kids took it over. so basically we battle against other street groups and whoever wins gets money from the other groups. this was my outlet to let off steam and stress and I've loved every moment of being with the gang. I'm really excited for tonight.

After I was done with the call I went back into the room to see Michael up on his phone and once he sees me he comes over to me and we sit at the table.

" so how are you really? " he asks me .

" um.. well I'm not gonna lie I lost it there for a bit last night because it stung like hell for him to bring that up but after talking to Nate he helped realized that I've been through so much and have never let anything bring me down and it would be dumb to let him bring me down so I composed myself and am choosing to not acknowledge him anymore ." I honestly tell him.

" I think it hit you hard because you've always been a private person and have always dealt with things on your own and to have someone put your business out there without your permission that would be difficult but just know that after you ran out Marcus, drew , and Mikey said something to him about their lives and oh my gosh chance almost pounced at Sergio. " he tells me which cause me to laugh a bit.

" your gonna be ok Kayla time heals all wounds and were all here for you and chance will always be there for you . I can tell y'all are in it for the long run." he says trying to cheer me up.

Start of something new (Chance Perez fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora