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《 Nara 》

Seeing them with a lot of depressions, stress, sick, unhappy, hardly talking to us, made us feel like a stranger is really hurt my feelings, also my parents' feelings.

Everyday and everwhere, questions in my mind is still the same as to

What is wrong with them?

Why are they like this?

What is the problem that they going through? .

How I wish our family can be like how it used to be. Full of happiness, laughter surrounding us, playing around, teasing each other. I can feel the loves that we have as one family.

But the loves or should I say 'loved' is now faded when a lot of things happened.

My parents, that living with their seven sons and one daughter is going through a lot because of my seven brothers.

I can't stand watching my mom secretly crying because of my brothers. My dad, he keep doing the same thing which to comforts my mom and told her to be patient.

As in me, the youngest of the family, I also want to bring the happiness back. Maybe people will say it is impossible for me to bring back the happiness just because I am young.

But did they know that young people have an intelligent thinking? a mature thinking? I'm just 18 and I know what to do and not to.

My brothers, they really change a lot after what happened before.


It was late night and both my parents and me still not asleep yet because of my brothers that still not even arrived at home.

My parents were worried and so do I. Parents tend to worry about daughter came home late but they also worried if their sons still not come home too.

My mom kept walking back and forth while she intertwined her own hands. My dad sat at the sofa with his closed eyes, probably thinking what would happen to my brothers that they came late.

Meanwhile me, I was worry what would happened after they reached home as if i'm thinking what will happen in the future.

Just at time, at 1.36am, the front door was opened and revealed my seven brothers that laughed a lot and still played around.

"Where are you guys going?! and why come home at this hour?!" my mom asked furiously.

"We went to our friend's house. He have his birthday party" Namjoon oppa said proudly and the others nodded their head.

"You guys come home this late just because your friend having a birthday party and not even thinking that your mom and me worry sick about you?!" Dad scolded them.

As I predicted, I can sensed that something bad would happen.

"Appa, at least we're home now. You don't need to yell at us. I'm worry that the neighbour might hear it."  Jin oppa spoke up after being scolded by dad.

"Oh so you worry about the neighbour might hear it but not even thinking that we worried about you guys. I don't care if you guys come home this late or go to anyone's party but at least, answer our calls, reply our messages or you can just call us and tell where you at! But not even one of  you did that"

Dad's voiced getting louder that made me and mom felt scare. I took the chance to stand beside my dad and hold his hand because i'm afraid that he would mad again.

"A-Ap-Appa.." I stuttered because of the tensed feeling I felt from my dad's hand.

We heard the front door opened again and we turned to look at the door.

We saw Jungkook oppa went out and slammed the door hardly. He became sensitive when it came to this.

We went out to follow him but we were too late to find him because he was not in our sight at that time.

As we kept walking, I saw a lot of people gathered at the sidewalk there. I shooked my mom's hand lightly and pointed to the direction where people gathered.

She suggested to go there and we went together as we left the others behind.

Just as we reached there, we tried to get a clear view as we made our way to the front again.

We stopped mid-way and my moms hand getting loosened and fell down her knees. I shocked of what I saw in front of me. I felt hurt watched him laid there lifeless.

"Jungkook-ah!!!" mom screamed loudly and kept shook Jungkook's oppa hand and she stopped what she's doing. She lifted oppa's head and laid it on her lap while tears non-stopped flowing down from her eyes.

The others come and didn't waited for nothing and brought him to the hospital.


Ever since that day, everything has change. From a happy family to unhappy family we had.

Awkward and tense silence can be heard if we around each other.

My brothers keep talking to each other like always but not me, my mom nor my dad.

As if they show their hatred towards us.

My dad really want to scold them for behaving like that but he afraid that the same thing will happen.

Jungkook oppa is still at the hospital due to his broken leg.

Everytime me or my parents visit him, he would do the same things; sits quietly, didn't even answer if we asking him questions, plays with his fingers.

But when he is surround by the others, he will talking, smiling, and even laughing.

That is what make me hurt, my parents hurt.

My mom keep asking what are the wrong doing that she did to them.

I can't stand watching her like that. I am here and there still trying to help them no matter what happen to me.

At least they are happy, and that is my happiness too.

Her Seven Brothers [BTS].Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ