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"Alright, so are you two really did those things?" the officer asked them.

"No, its him." she pointed to the guy beside him.

"Is it true that you're the one did it?" he asked the guy.

The guy didn't answer at all. He just lowered his head and playing with his fingers.

The situation just making Nara annoyed even more.

"Hey, did the cat got your tongue? Answer him."

"What's with you? Just let him answer by himself." Jin at the back, was mad at Nara's behaviour.

"As if he would." she rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, answer me please." The officer motioned to the guy.

"N-Not me. She was wi-with me."

That time, he did answered, but what he's saying just made Nara even angry.

"You're trying to get me into your own problem, aren't you?" she glared at him. Death glare to be exact.

"You can lie to them as long as you want before they bringing the proof here." she patted hardly at his shoulder.

She turned at the back and looked at Taehyung.

He didn't even helped her in this when he knew everything.

She was hoping that Taehyung would helped her but there he was, standing liked he didn't know everything.

"You said you're going to solve this by yourself, didn't you?" he asked her and lower his voice.

He was the one that stood nearer at Nara even all of them standing at the back.

"Whatever it is, I'll do it." she turned to the front again.

"Like I said before, i'm not doing all this thing. He's just bragging me in his own problem because he was afraid to admit that all of this is his fault."

She said, still unsatisfied with what the guy had said.

"Mind to explain what actually happen when you were there?" the officer asked Nara.

She didn't hesitated to explain it all.

"Me and my friends were at the ice cream shop near that places but i was receiving a call from my cousin. So i'm going out from there and tried to find a less noisy places where I can answer my phone. I decided to go at the parking lot there as there was a bit quiet and not many cars parked at that area.

After finished having a phone called, I was supposed to go back to the shop but unfortunately, on my way back I felt I was kicking something and that's when I saw this thing.." she pointed to the sprayed bottle on the table in front of her.

"Rather to let it be there, I picked it up and tried to find someone near that area in case if this thing is someone's belonging. I saw him spraying the walls and thought that it may be his. I went up to him and asked if this is belong to him but you sir, came at that time." She finished her explaination.

Eventhough the officer listened to what Nara had explained to him, he can't confirmed to settle the problem in that way.

The officer, Nara and that guy were actually waiting for the other two officers who were checking the CCTV at that parking lot.

Still waiting for the officers, the three girls were arrived instead. They greeted Nara's family and the officer there as they went in.

They didn't dared to ask what happened to her but they knew that Nara would solved that problem by herself.

But what those three girls afraid the most is that Nara would said something unexpected or more harshly than what any people would expect it to be.

"Okay, what about you, young man? Why did you do that?" the officer now asked the guy besides Nara.

Again, he didn't answered him.

"Maybe he didn't have any good things to do and that spraying any walls is his job. Who knows?" she snapped him.

"Nara, please don't." Seolmin warned Nara because of the way she talked.

Nara just looked at the three of them.

"Idc. If it is not my fault, i'm debating on it. Unless it is me who doing this, I could have spill the truth just before." she told them.

"Yes, we know that, but let's just wait." Yejun made Nara calmed a bit, so that she's not going too far in these case.

Nara sighed again for only God knew how many times.

It didn't took a long time for the polices to arrive there after the talked that they had.

"We have the prove and Sir, please follow us." One of the officer told the man across from Nara to follow them.

All of them waited patiently as the officers checked the proved.

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