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Nara claimed that the problems she faced before was the worst one that she had with her family.

Everything has changed.

Where she walked with her friends to college, not even bother to asked her parents or brothers to send her off.

She ate not on time and rather to eat by herself alone in the kitchen.

Hardly to answer her parents or brothers if they asked her something. She only nod or shook her head than talked to them.

She even stopped visiting Jungkook until he was discharge from the hospital.

Mostly went out of the house just to have study group or hangout with her friends.

Luckily, she have her own money where she saved it everytime her parents gave her before.

What hurts her more was that her brothers getting so well and having a bonding time with their parents from times to times.

Its not like she hated it, obviously she felt grateful of what was happened.

She just felt so sad that they were good not because of her.

She just broke her own promised where she said that she wanted to make the happy family again by herself no matter what happened, but it turns out to be like this.

Still, she managed to put a smile on her face no matter what.

Everytime woke up in the morning, she always smiled first because she wanted to keep the positivity in her mind.

As for today, she was getting ready to go to college with her friends.

From inside of her room, she can heard that the others were also get ready to go to work.

As to Jin, he worked as a doctor in a children's clinic. Yoongi, worked at his dad's company as second CEO after his dad.

Hoseok and Jimin worked at BigHit Dancing Lesson as a danced teachers as both of them have the same hobby.

Namjoon were now still studying in a private University same with Jungkook, who were his junior. Meanwhile Taehyung was a manager of his dad's own cafe.

They are a wealthy family but they don't even have the intentioned to brag about that.

They even thought of what's the point to brag out about their wealthyness.

Finished arranging her bag, she went to her window to check her friends.

She always liked this, if she saw her friends on their way to her house, that was when she went downstairs.

She only have her breakfast at the cafeteria in her college.

Nara received a text message from Yejun. She told her that they almost reached at her house.

Nara took her bag and went downstairs and straight up to the front door.

She didn't even care that her brothers were watching her from the dining room.

As soon as she stepped outside of the house, she were greeted by the loudness of her friends.

Smile was appeared on her face.

All four of them walked together with full of laughter in the morning.


Nara took a glanced at her watch, and showed that it was 11.27am.

Her maths class would be finished after three minutes and the next class would be the co-curriculum activities.

She choosed the dance class as she also have a passion in dancing liked her brothers.

After the bell rang, showing that it was 11.30am and they need to go to the next classes.

"Let's meet up as usual later, outside the gate." Seolmin reminded the others.

"Sure." They replied her.

They bid goodbye to each other. They didn't have the same activities as they choosed what they really loved to do and wanted to experience something new in the activities choosen.

Nara went inside the dance room and went straight to meet her friends.

There were 10 of them who's taking dance classes from their grade.

They were given 15 minutes to warmed up in a circle before they started dancing.

As they finished warmed up, Ms.Lee told them to gather up together because she have something to tell them.

"Since all of you guys is here, I have something to tell." Ms.Lee looked at all of them to make sure all of her students were there.

"The day after tomorrow, at afternoon, we will be having this activities outside of our college. I decide to bring you guys to a dance class at BigHit Dance Lesson. I'm sure that you guys know this places. From there, you will learn a new dancing skills where you never learn before." She finished her talked.

'Heck yeah, at my brothers worked place?' that's what Nara thought.

"Nara-ya, isn't there is where your brothers worked at?" Liya asked her. Liya is one of Nara's closest friend during dance classes.

"Not just worked there, but they were the one who teached people to dance in those dancing classes that Ms.Lee just mentioned." Nara rolled her eyes.

"Awhhh damn! how would you guys react with each other?" Liya made a painful reaction.

"What's with you? Duh! We go there to learn some dance, that is what I know. So, I come there to dance and I know what to do and what's not."

"Yeah. That's true." Liya nodded her head.

Nara just shrugged her shoulders.

"So, now I want you guys to practice as usual. Nara, please lead them like you always did." Ms.Lee motioned Nara to be in the front line with her.

They kept practising and doing their best to show their dance skills in every 30 minutes with 5 minutes break until the time stopped at 2.00pm sharp.

They finished off with cooling down, so that they didn't have any muscle cramps.

All of them bid goodbye to each other and Ms.Lee also didn't forget to remind them again about their activities.

Just before Nara went out from that dance room, Ms.Lee called her.

"Yes, Ms.Lee?" she asked her.

"There's nothing much to ask, actually, I need someone to start our dance, I mean.. start with solo dance. And I choose you instead. Do you want to?" Ms.Lee asked her.

Hoping for Nara to not rejected her offer because she's the best dancer in her class, she could see her passioned when it comes to dance. That's the main point why Ms.Lee choosed her.

"Sure, I will." Nara gave her assuring smiled to Ms.Lee.

"Thank you Nara." Ms.Lee pat her shoulders lightly.

"No problem Ms.Lee" she smiled cheekily.

"And that, I just want you to practise the dance that we learned last time. Is it okay?"

"Ahh~ that one. That should be okay then." Nara nodded her head.

"Alright, we should go now. See you on Thursday, dear." Ms.Lee bid her goodbye.

"You too Ms.Lee." she went out from the room.

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