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《 Nara 》

Today is weekend. I'm going to visit Jungkook oppa again.

I don't care if he behaving like that. I just hate seeing my family like this.

I've done getting ready and go downstairs. The clock on the wall shows 10.10am.

"Eomma, I'll get going now. Don't stress yourself too much, okay?" I hug her and smile to her after we apart from the hug.

"Okay. I will, dear." she gives me a weak smile.

I nod my head and go near the door to wear my shoes and close the door after I step outside of the house.

I take a deep breath and exhale it. I smile to myself and hoping for a better things to come or happen to me and my family.

I decide to walk as it is only take around 10 to 15 minutes to reach the hospital.

I keep walking and greet the elderly that walk pass by me.

Just as I reach the hospital, straight away I make my way to the lift and press the second floor.

I stand in front of his room and knock before I enter the room.

I open the door and see him eating his breakfast. I smile to him but he just continue to eat after he moves his gazes from me.

I let out a light sighs and tell myself to keep thinking positive.

"Good morning oppa. Feel any better today?" I ask him.

It takes a minute for him to answer me.

"Eo." That's what all he say. At least he answers me than being quiet like he always did.

"Good to hear that" I smile to him.

I sit at the chair next to the bed and look at him eating.

"Stop looking. Just help me get up and bring me to the bathroom. I want to wash my hands." I am suprise of what his saying to me.

I'm not going to waste my time and help him to get up and put his left hand around my shoulders and put my right hand around his waist in case he will fall at anytime.

He opens the bathroom door and I bring him inside. Slowly I bring him because the floor is slippery, probably the cleaner clean it this morning.

After he is done washing his hands, I bring him back to the bed and lift his right leg properly and not to hurt him.

But then, here it comes again. The most awkward silence between us.

Of course for not being obvious, I play my phone and so do him.

"Where's hyungs?" thanks god, he breaks the silence.

But that question though... I'm hoping he will ask such "Where's eomma, appa?", "How're they doing?".

But I know that will not happen.

"I'm asking and answer me." he's talking again, but this time with his piss off voices.

"Ah.. I don't know where are they because eomma told me that they left early this morning" I talk to him with my head down.

"What are you even doing in the house that you don't even know where are they?" He rolls his eyes and continue to play his phone.

How can I know when they're not even talking to me? Just the same liked what you did before.

I thought to myself.

I sigh and rub my temple.

"I should get going. I have a lot of assignments to do" I stand up and reach my hand to him to shake hand. You know, like the youngest always did to the oldest.

"Hmm." that is what he answers me.

I just walk to the door without even turning back. I close his door and continue walking.

I smile to the nurses that passes by me but then I can see a group of boys walking towards my way.

Of course no others than my brothers.

"Why are you here? Isn't you suppose to be at home now?" Yoongi oppa asking that to me as soon as they spot me, there.

Why am I here? Of course visiting my own brother. My brother by blood. He's not any people to me. I'm not even come here to play.

"Uhh.. I'm visiting Jungkook oppa.. and just about to go home" speaking with my low voice.

"Oh okay. You can go now" Namjoon oppa tell me.

I'm expecting that they will send me home or what.

Useless to expect something that you can't even get or want.

"I am."  I low my head and just walk away for not being obvious that the fact I am mad over them.

It can be this frustrating if they keep that attitude.

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