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Again, being a kindhearted person she was, she cleaned anything after all of them ate.

She went out to use the restroom outside because some of her brothers used the toilet due to eat too much, especially Taehyung.

Finished doing her business, she went out of the restroom and back to Jungkook's room.

"There she is." she heard Taehyung said that.

She turned around after she closed the door and thought that maybe Taehyung was looking for her.

What she thought was right.

"Nara-ya, we'll get going." Taehyung said to her.

"Now?" she asked him to confirm his answer.

She hated so much that she couldn't spent much time with Jungkook just to bring him to take a walked in the hospital and that would make it possible for him to walked like always again.

Before, she even begged to her mom just so she wanted to stay and took care of him at the hospital at weekend.

But her mom didn't allow her because she knew that her daughter have a tons of assignments to do, she only allowed her when she didn't have any.

"Yes, now." Taehyung said, but his answered only made her pouted even more.

"Okay." she sighed.

"Oppa, I need to go now. No.. I mean.. both of us need to go." she shooked her head because remembered that she went with Taehyung after all.

"Alright. Drive safely hyung. Careful, and you too" Jungkook told them.

But there's Nara, eventhough she felt like crying because she was not gonna stayed with Jungkook to help him but she also felt grateful towards her brother that still cared for her.

"No worries, I will drive safely." Taehyung said while playing with his car keys;ring keychain in his pointed finger.

"Thankyou." Nara said that sudden.

Everyone was now watching her, confused of why she's saying thankyou to Jungkook.

"..... for what?" Jungkook twitched his brows, showing his now confusing expression plastered on his face.

Nara didn't said anything. Instead, she mouthed to Jungkook 'For your caring'.

Jungkook who was sat on the bed, 100% confirmed that he understands by what she mouthed to him while the other 6 still remained confused.

But Jungkook lowkey didn't want to admit that he was still cared for her.

He denied it, by saying "What are you saying? I don't even understand."

Nara rolled her eyes because she's getting fed up with her brother.

"Nevermind." She took her purse on the table beside Jungkook's bed.

"Bye.." She waved to him sadly and went out from the room followed by Taehyung behind her.


The next day came and it went not-to-well for Nara because of the girls in her college that kept asking about her brothers.

Just before the last class finished, she texted Taehyung and told that he doesn't need to pick up her later on.

Taehyung was asking her 'why' and she told him how annoyed she was with those girls who obssessed over him and the others.

He understood her well by telling her to be more careful since she went to the hospital to visit Jungkook again.

The bell was now rang and the corridor was filled with people running out of the school gate; ready to come home.

She went out of the big gates nonchalantly with her friends because she knew that some girls were waiting for her brother.

"Hah! Screw what you expected to have,  girls!" Nara proudly saying that.

"Why with that?" Mirae asked her.

"Taehyung would not going to pick me up later." she wriggles her eyebrows.

"Why? Isn't you the one that wanted to bonding with him and the others?" Yejun asked her, confused with what Nara actually wanted to do.

"Of course I am, but look at those girls who are always ready to take pictures of my brother. Do you think I like it? Hell No! I hate that, and that's that!" Nara exclaimed.

"Yah! calm down, you girl." Seolmin pulled back down Nara's arm who was pointed to the group of girls there.

"They might see that you pointed out to them!" Seolmin freaked out.

"Well, who cares? I did that because I hope they understand me that I don't like them drooling over my siblings." Nara shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Yeah, Nara is Nara. We can't change that" Jaehyun chimed in out of nowhere.

"Of course. You know me well, Hyun." she put her right hand around Jaehyun shoulders who was about 5cm tall from Nara.

"Yes I am." He proud of himself.  

All of them kept talking and laughing until they reached outside of the gates.

Nara was about to take a cab but she was stopped when Mirae's mom offered to send her to the hospital.

She willingly accepted Mirae's mom offer.

She wanted to stop by some restaurant to buy some foods for Jungkook but again, Mirae's mom gave her a lot of foods.

At first, she didn't want to take the foods because she thought that she would be a burdened to them but Mirae's mom insists her to have the foods since she bought a lot.

After liked 8 to 9 minutes ride, they reached hospital.

"Immo, thankyou for everything. Also, sorry if i'm a burdened to you" Nara thanked Mirae's mom.

"No no no, don't say that. I'm willingly helping you, dear. You know that you are also like my daughter too? I treat you the same as I did to Mirae." Mirae's mom hugged Nara.

Mirae smiled and nodded her head which showed that what her mom saying was true.

"Oh my god, thankyou immo and Mirae" she said while hugged both of them and bid goodbye before she went in the hospital entrance.

She hesitated at first, whether she went to visit Eunra or Jungkook first.

At last, she decided to visit Eunra.

She went to the lift and pressed the third floor button. As she reached in front of her room's door, she knocked the door.

Nara was lightened up when she heard Eunra's voiced saying 'Come in' from inside the room.

She opened the door a bit and saw Eunra sat on her bed.

"Good afternoon unnie." she smiled to Eunra.

[To be continue]

Her Seven Brothers [BTS].Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang