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Her day in college was good liked always but she also felt annoyed by those girls that non-stopped asking about her brothers.

Some even wanted their phone's number which made Nara ignored them even more.

Just before the class finished, she texted her brother to pick her up.

The bell then rang which meant the time was up.

She walked out the building and to the gates with her closed friends, Mirae, Yejun and Seolmin.

The three of them decided to wait with Nara until Taehyung arrived.

Just then Jaehyun and Minho walked towards them.

"You guys take a walk or nah?" Minho asked them.

"Yeah, three of us. Nara wait for her brother because she wants to visit Jungkook after this." Yejun answered him.

"Alright. You better join us next time, Nara" Minho said sadly.

"No worries, guys. I will." She smiled and made a peace signs.

"Btw, how was the cleaning earlier?" Mirae asked both Jaehyun and Minho.

"It's getting bad. I mean, before this, Mr.Ryu often gave us liked two rooms or places that we need to clean but this time, he gave us more than what we expected to be." Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I kept cursing when I did the cleaning." Minho was pissed off thinking about earlier.

"Now you know how bad it is, next time you guys better do any homeworks or assignments given." Seolmin reminded them.

"Still, no promises to that." Both of them laughed which made the four them tagged along with the laughter.

Just then, Taehyung's car showed up.

"Alright guys. I need to go now. Careful if you walk home later. Hyun, Minho, take care of them and yourself too." Nara bid goodbye to her friends.

When she walked to the car, again, for only 'god knows how many times' she heard the girls squealing but not her friends.

"No. Not again." she rushed to the car and closed the door furiously.

"Oppa, go now." Taehyung was confused as to why his sister needed to be hurry and about  to ask why but cut off by Nara again.

"Just go! Those girls are annoying af." she rolled her eyes and Taehyung understand what she meant by that.

Taehyung did as he told so but then it became silenced again.

"Oppa, can we go to hospital?" Nara broke the silenced.

"You want to visit him?"

"Yeah, and can we stop by at some restaurant? I want to buy him some foods."

"Sure. I want to visit early."

"You don't want to go with the others later?"

"No. I'm tired."


They stopped by in front of the restaurant that they often went there before.

Nara went out to bought foods and Taehyung gave her extra money to buy more for her and Taehyung himself.

At first she refused to take the money but Taehyung insisted her.

After Nara closed the car's door, Taehyung went all silenced and thought about something.

The so called 'something' that he thought about was Nara.

"Oh God, what did she do to deserve this?" Taehyung pulled his hair to the back.

What he said was referred to Nara. Even they were not in good terms, Nara still looked at them like a brothers and family but they looked at her liked stranger.

She still did anything for them even what impacts would come to her.

"Should I forgive and forget or should I te-?" he closed his mouth straight away when the door at the passanger seat was opened.

"Alright. We can go now." she said excitedly.

"Wait, did you know what I want to eat and Jungkook too?" he asked.

"Yes. I know what you guys like." Nara opened the plastic bag to show him the foods.

Taehyung went all silenced again and only nodded his head.

She still knows what we like to eat. She didn't forget every single thing of what we like and not too. Lord, please protect her.

He thought to himself while drove the car silently.

After liked 7 minutes of the rode, they arrived at the hospital but Taehyung sent her near the entry of the hospital.

"You go first. I'll search for a parking." he said.

"Okay." she replied and brought the foods with her.

She closed the door and went to the stairs instead of the lift.

After she reached the second floor, on her way to her brother's room, she saw a patient which is a girl that looked like having a problem.

The girl was resting her body on the wall and her right hand rubbed her temples.

She looked like she needed help and that made Nara ran to her.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor or should I bring you to your room?" Nara asked her.

"No. Just bring me to my room. It's on the third floor." she replied her.

"Okay. We take a lift then." Nara brought her to the lift and pressed the button to third floor.

The lift's door opened and Nara brought her out from there.

"Which one is your room?"

"This one." The girl pointed to the room that on the right side which is the first one.

Nara opened the door and brought her to her bed and told her to sit down and carefully hold her.

"What happen to you?" Nara asked her after she put the foods that she held before.

"I feel a bit dizzy." the girl said.

Nara moved her gazed to the small table and saw the provided food still hasn't been touched yet.

"Oh, you didn't get your breakfast, right?" Nara pointed to the food.

"Yeah, I didn't." The girl shooked her head.

"It's okay. You can have your breakfast now because I need to go visit my brother." Nara pulled the table a bit closer to the patient and opened it for her.

"Oh, I forget to ask. What's your name and how old are you?" Nara smiled to her while stretch her right hand to the girl.

"I'm Eunra and 19 years old." she gladly shake her hand with Nara.

Nara widened her eyes because she was suprised that Eunra is a year older than her.

"Oh, i'm a year younger than you and my name is Nara. Nice to know you, Eunra-shi" there's an uncomfortable sounds when she called Eunra liked that.

"If you're not comfortable, you can call me unnie or what that at least makes you comfortable." Eunra gave her a satisfied smile.

"Ahh.. unnie sounds better. Hehe" Nara giggled.

Eunra found her cute and that made her laughed a bit.

"Btw, unnie. I need to go now and.." she took out one roll of bibimbap inside the plastic bag and put it beside Eunra foods on the table.

".. you can take this. You don't need to worry because this is mine." she continued.

Eunra was suprised by how good and kind Nara was.

"Thankyou, Nara. Also thanks for helping me just now." she said.

"Sure unnie. I'll see you tomorrow, bye" Nara waved to her before she went out of the room.

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