Chapter Forty-One

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I remain quiet as Mrs. Ike runs a brush through my hair, slowly. It's comforting. My eyes are fixed on the very large, very extravagant dress hanging before me on the wardrobe.

My coronation dress.

It's cream-colored, hung off the shoulders and embroidered with pure gold around all the hems. It's over fifty pounds heavy and takes over an hour to put on. The train of it alone will be held by over three women. The robe I'll have attached to it is bright red, with white fur on the collar. The jewelry in my ears are heavy and daunting.

The jewelry is the same Sarah wore on her coronation, apart from the necklace which was a gift to me from Henry. His mother's necklace is heavy with jewels, mostly ruby's and diamonds. Henry's father gave it to her as a wedding present- it was said to have cost over 5 million pounds.

It frightens me to even wear something that expensive.

My gaze moves from the dress to the cribs in the corner of the room. Alexander and Samuel are sleeping soundly, but they won't be soon as this room will fill with an army to get my ready for the coronation in five hours.

"What if I mess up the words?" I whisper, swallowing. "I don't know why Henry insisted I go through a coronation as well."

"Because he wants you to feel equal to him, I'm guessing... He wants to the world to regard you as something other than his marriage partner. He is giving you power, Mia."

The door opens then, as ladies maids walk in one by one.

My frightened eyes meet Mary's.


I exit the room, knees shaking as I walk up to Ivan, who is waiting to escort me to the vehicle that will take me to Westminster Abbey. The women behind me gather up my train as I prepare to enter the car.

"You are a vision, my Queen," Ivan says, warmly, reaching out his hand. I take it, smiling nervously as he kisses my glove.

"Is he already gone?"

Ivan nods. "Just left. We'll be right behind him."

It's takes a bit to get my entire getup into the car. I look out at Mrs. Ike as Ida gets into the vehicle behind mine. 

"Please make sure the boys are alright during the ceremony."

She clasps her hands together, wiping her tears. I'm surprised to see her crying. "Of course honey, don't worry about anything. They'll be fine."

My throat thickens watching her so I reach out my hand. She hurries over, taking it tightly and kisses my knuckles firmly. I embrace her then, hanging out of the car.

"I love you, Mary," I murmur, tearfully. She nods.

"You too, love. You too." She wipes her nose as she lets go, backing up. "Now go or you'll be keeping him waiting!"

I nod as Ivan gets into the front seat, starting the car. She closes the door then, hitting the side.

"Ready?" Ivan asks, with a chuckle. I groan, pressing a hand to the corset around my stomach.



Psalm 122, I was glad is sung as I enter the very large, very historic Abbey. I can still hear the screaming from outside even after they close the doors. I am nervous, trembling violently as I am urged start to walk inside. The room is full, most of the faces I cannot recognize. But some I do.

Angie and Royce, their family. Nicole's family. I look away from Lionel quickly, trying to hide any of my emotions. The look on Henry's former-fiancee's face as I pass nearly makes me break into laughter. Annabelle looks as if she could jump into the aisle and rip my hair out.

My eyes drift to the far end of the church, where I see Henry already kneeling, the crimson cape on his back, covering the steps behind him. His head is bowed. The Archbishop is standing just before him. I'm relieved I haven't fallen by the time I reach the steps, glancing to Ida and Mary who are both standing closest to stage. Each of them are holding one of our children. Ida with Samuel. Mary with Alexander.

When I'm beside Henry, I kneel down carefully, placing my hands onto my lap. He looks impeccable, dressed in his red royal suit, something I have not seen since he showed up on my doorstep after leaving Annabelle at the alter in this very Abbey.

He looks to me then, his eyes clear and loving. I smile slightly, finding it hard to breathe. I can't believe this is actually my life. Henry is about to be crowned King. I am about to be crowned Queen.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of the South, Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?" the Archbishop pronounces, loudly.

"I solemnly promise so to do," Henry says, his voice firm.

"I solemnly promise so to do," I reply, sounding not as scared as I thought I would.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will," Henry states.

"I will," I utter, trembling.

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolable the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

"All of this I promise to do," Henry says. "The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me God."

I repeat the words, pleased I do not stutter. Communion is given before we are both anointed. We are then both urged stand and move to the large thrones behind the Archbishop. As we take our seats, on either side of us, the members of the clergy surround the crown jewels, which they give to Henry. The Orb in one hand, a ring symbolizing his marriage to his nation and in the other hand, the Sovereigns Sceptre with Dove.

I look straight forward as I was told to, avoiding looking anywhere near the video camera airing this event to the world. The Dean of Westminster and the Archbishop walk toward Henry with his large crown first. The Archbishop sets the crimson crown it onto his head and throughout the entire church, the attendees say proudly, "God Save The King!" three times.

They move toward my chair, with a more delicate, gold crown. Large, oval sapphires decorate the front of it. I feel the daunting weight of it as they set it gently onto my hair.

"God Save The Queen! God Save The Queen!"

My hands are trembling in my lap as I look to Henry. He's already watching me, his eyes proud and adoring. He utters the words as well.

"God Save The Queen!"

A/N: I've got an epilogue(*insert crying face*) & surpriseeeee coming for ya'll soon. Hurricane Irma is coming for Florida this weekend so I may lose power for a while. I will try to update before then. xx

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