Skinship? (Verkwan)

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(I guess this means I'm doing more of these) (I also have no idea what the current dorm arrangements are in the Seventeen house. If anyone knows tell me.)

     For as long as anyone could remember, Seungkwan and Vernon have always showed skinship towards each other. The members have noticed it, the fans have noticed it, and as of recently Vernon has finally noticed it. Not too long ago Vernon noticed that Seungkwan isn't as clingy with the other members, as he is with Vernon. But as Vernon is discovering the feelings he has for the older, he's afraid Seungkwan will find out. Vernon loves Seungkwan with all his heart but he's afraid the older won't want to be friends with him anymore if he found out the truth. Being the foolish boy he is, Vernon decides limiting his contact with Seungkwan will solve the problem.

Seungkwan's POV:

It's been three weeks now, and Vernon is still avoiding me. I keep trying to think of what I did wrong to make him avoid me, but this time I have no idea. I know I've pissed him off before, but this time it's different. Normally he would laugh at my silly attempts to fix what ever I did, but when I tried apologizing this time (for literally nothing) he just looked sad. Vernon being upset makes me upset, I'm starting to worry that he figured out I've liked him as more than a friend should for quite awhile now. Instead of sitting here pouting and worrying myself, I decide to ask the others if they know anything.

I get up off my bed and walk into the room the performance unit shares. I notice only Hoshi is in the room, I have no idea where Jun and Minghao are right now.

"Hoshi Hyung" I whine as I lay at the end of his bed.

"What Seungkwan?" He whines back at me.

"Vernon has been avoiding me for three weeks now and I don't know what to do" I whine again while pouting, and laying on my side with my arm propped under my head.

"Well did you do something to upset him again?" He asks me like it's the only reason Vernon ever gets upset.

"NOO!! NOT THIS TIME!!" I yell sitting up now.

"Okay okay, chill before you blow my ear drums out again" he says holding his ears. "I have't noticed anything going on with him so I can't really help you here" he says looking at me with a frown on his face.

I sigh. "Sorry, I'll figure out something. Thanks for listening Hyung" I say and leave the room heading back to mine.

I lay in my bed silently, listening to everyone in the living room. I hear the door opening, with greetings to Jun and Minghao.  I hear everyone laughing, but most importantly I hear Vernon laughing. I don't even realize I'm crying until I feel a tear slide down my cheek, I just miss Vernon, and the way we used to be.

Vernon's POV: 1 hour later

I walk by the vocal units room on my way to bed, and poke my head in to check on the one person I care about the most. I spot Seungkwan asleep soundly on his bed still dressed,  with his blanket on the floor. I walk in quietly, pick up his blanket, and lay it on top of him. I stand there for second staring at his beautiful sleeping face, before I reach my and down and gently caress his cheek.

"If only I could tell you how I really feel" I say while holding his soft cheek in my palm, before getting up and leaving the room.

The next week was like the past three, Seungkwan would try leaning on Vernon, speaking to Vernon, and even being around Vernon, but the latter would shake Seungkwan off and go on doing what ever. Vernon would let the others hug him, shove him, lean on him, but would refuse to let Seungkwan get close to him.

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