New Year's Kiss Pt.2 (Jookyun)

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     For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the Jookyun version, your wait is finally over! (Once again thank that cunt Alyssa for the idea!) I apologize for this coming out late again, but the holiday's are making this hectic.

I'll stop running on and on and just start the chapter. I hope you all enjoy!~


Third Person POV: 

     After finally having the chance to throw a New Year's Eve party, Wonho quickly realized he wasn't prepared in the slightest for the party. 

With all the planning that needs to be done, and so little time, Wonho decided to resort to letting Jooheon and Changkyun (Who have been begging) DJ the party.

Why would Wonho be a little skeptical with letting those two DJ?

Well when you put those two dorks together you can either get something great, or an utter disaster. Wonho didn't have much of a choice, so he decided to test his luck.

Changkyun's POV:

     "Alright you guys have about an hour to set the equipment up before the guests start arriving, so please set it up quickly" Wonho says, almost pleading.

"Relax hyung, we've got this! Have we ever let you down before?" Jooheon asks. 

"Yes, plenty of times" Wonho says with a pointed look.

"Stop being an ass and finish preparing for your party" I say.

"Are you ever going to treat me like your hyung?" Wonho asks, chuckling.

"Are you really asking a question you already know the answer to?" I ask.

"Just set the damn thing up already" Wonho says while rolling his eyes and walking away.

Jooheon and I get to work with putting up the speakers up around the room, and setting up the DJ equipment that Hyungwon was letting us borrow. 

Setting up the DJ table wasn't the hard part. The hard part was getting the speakers up. and attempting to connect all the cords correctly. We nearly dropped the speakers off their stands thirty times, but luckily nothing fell and broke, we really didn't want Hyungwon to kill us.

"Alright test it now" Jooheon says after messing with the cords again.

I click play on the computer, and only the left speaker plays.

"Ughhh why won't this stupid thing work" Jooheon says after undoing all the plugs and plugging them back in.

"Try it now" He says.

I click play again and this time it's still the left speaker playing, but the audio is crackling.

"Hold on hyung let me try it" I say while moving from behind the computer towards the cords.

"Knock your socks off" he says while walking to where I was standing before.

I start unplugging the cords, and matching them with their colors, but then I see a chord that was tucked under the edge of the rug.

"No wonder it didn't work, the chord for the other speaker was under the rug. Try testing it now" I say.

Jooheon clicks play and the audio plays clearly through both the speakers.

"Ooh what would I do without my Changkyunie" Jooheon says while squishing my face.

"Cry?" I ask.

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