My One & Only (Showki)

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     For any of you who have been waiting for this, your wait has come to an end, the Showki wedding is here! (This is tied in the the same universe as the other ones unless I specified one of the others was an AU.)

Once again I'm sorry this is coming out on a Wednesday instead of the weekend, stuff got busy but I'm not getting into it. Hopefully the next one will come out on Sunday this coming weekend like it's supposed to.

I hope you enjoy!~


Third Person POV:

     Everyone who has ever thought about their special day, has probably fantasized about it once or twice, or in Shownu's case you've thought almost a hundred times with one specific person in mind. 

Shownu has only ever pictured his future with one person and one person only.

From Kihyun's excessive need for everything to be as clean as possible, to his nagging when something doesn't go exactly the way Kihyun wanted, Shownu is smitten.

Kihyun on the other hand had not really thought much about the special day. At least not until Shownu popped the question. After Shownu had asked Kihyun to marry him, Kihyun started to panic because he had never put much thought into weddings.

Kihyun was only really worried in the beginning, but once he realized that Shownu had pretty much started planning the thing since their third month of dating, relief washed over him. 

Kihyun was just amazed that Shownu had thought about something other than The Korean Beef Kihyun cooked on their first date, for the past three years.

Kihyun loved everything about Shownu. Kihyun loved how when Shownu was with other people he didn't show too much emotion, but when it was just him and Kihyun, Shownu was one of the sappiest (and a bit awkward) Romantics you would ever meet. Kihyun was always amazed that Shownu managed to put up with every one of his little flaws and quirks.

Unlike most couples Shownu and Kihyun rarely ever fought, of course they had small little fights here and there, but they never had any large fights in the seven years they had known each other, let alone the three years they had been dating when they got engaged. It was almost like they were made for each other.


     When Shownu had proposed, he and Kihyun had been in the coffee shop they would visit almost every week. 

Shownu had been planning this with the baristas who worked in the coffee shop for  a couple weeks because he had wanted to propose on their third year anniversary.

So when ee and Kihyun ordered the same drinks they ordered every time, the barista behind the counter gave Shownu a wink, which told him the job was done.

As they sat down across from each other, at their usual booth by the windows, Shownu set his plan into action.

"Holy shit Kihyun they put the wrong name on my cup" Shownu says while pointing at the name of Todd squiggled on the side of the cup.

"Who the hell in Korea is named Todd?" Kihyun says while squinting at the name on the cup.

"What does your cup say?" Shownu asks while pulling the ring from his pocket.

"It says 'Will you Marry Me?' How long have we been coming here that they can't get our names right?" Kihyun asks before he looks over at Shownu who has a ring box open in front of him.

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