Bonus pt.3

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I clearly have a problem. It started from the conversation above.
     After him running me over with a car, I knew I needed more. So I decide to go buy a bike, a helmet, a 2 liter bottle of coke, and find the pledis building. I steal the security guards keycard and get in. I go to Woozi's studio. I knock before he answers and lets me in. I tell him if he comes with me I'll give him this bottle of coke. He can't pass up the opportunity so he follows. We get outside I show him the bike. I then hand him the helmet, I don't have to say anything, he knows what to do. We walk out in the street, he gets on the bike and moves up the street, while I lay further down. He peddles the bike towards me, and hits me head on. He gets off the bike and grabs the bottle I left on the curb, he thanks me for it. I thank him for hitting me again. He turns and goes back inside the pledis building. After he's gone security comes out and sees me laying in the road and proceed to arrest me.
Thank you guys for reading, I'm going to be turning this into its own separate story, I'll post the link to it when I do. I plan to add more to this "story" 😂

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