Welcome Home (Verkwan)

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Okay guys here we go, another Verkwan. I had to, they've been giving us so much shipping material with this comeback.

This one shot is going to be a little different, but if it works out I'll be doing something like this for the other ships. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if people like it.

I'm talking too much like always, let's get this one shot started. I hope you all enjoy!~

(This takes place maybe a year after their wedding)


Third Person POV:

On this cold December afternoon, Seungkwan and Vernon are having one of their weekly dates. Ever since they got married, the two men have been busy, but are always going on a mini date every week. It isn't really anything extravagant, it could be anything.

Some weeks, they come home late from the studio and just order food. Seungkwan will light a couple candles, and grab some blankets. Vernon will pick some new movie or show on Netflix, and grab some pillows. They'll both just sit together eating, laughing or talking, and watching a movie.

Other dates involve sitting and looking at the stars, or even going to a park just to see dogs.

Today's date is just both of them taking a walk to the post office to mail a bill, and holding hands.

While on their way back from the post office though, Vernon and Seungkwan find something, that will change their lives forever.

Seungkwan's POV:

Vernon and I were walking back from the post office, because we had to mail our electric bill, we also were mailing the other members bills, since we all live in the same condo complex. Living in the same dorm was too crowded after all these years, so the company let all us all move into condos, which are all right next to each other. all the couples live together, so instead of thirteen, we only take up eight.

Vernon and I continue on our way home, swinging our hands back and forth. When Vernon suddenly stops moving. I turn to see why he stopped, and am met with a very confused face.

"Vernon, what's wrong" I ask, bringing my right hand that he isn't holding up to his cheek.

"I hear something, It sounds like someone's crying, but we're the only ones out here" He says, while I look around and listen. He's right, there's a crying sound but no one's out here.

"I think it's coming from this way" he says pointing in the direction we were heading.

Vernon and I continue walking slowly, and listen for the crying sound to get louder.

The further we walk the louder the sound gets.

We reach an alleyway next to the Chinese restaurant, which is just down the street from our condo.

"It's coming from down here, It sounds like a baby" I say and Vernon just nods his head, still confused on why there's a baby crying out here in the first place.

Vernon makes his way down the alley first and I follow behind him. I'm about to tell him I don't see anything, but then I look in the dumpster next to me.

Inside the dumpster is what appears to be a newborn baby, screaming as loud as it can, just laying there. No clothes, no blankets, no nothing.

"Holy Shit! Vernon! It's in the dumpster!" I yell to him while panicking, and leaning down to pick the baby up.

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