I Wrote To You (Meanie)

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     I'm going to warn you all right now, this will be a little angsty for a bit. But I'm the type of person who can't have angst without a resolve, so don't worry. (This is an AU!) I will warn you at the beginning of every one shot if there will be any angst because personally I hate when authors don't warn you at the start or at least in the tags.

Thank my cunt Alyssa for the chapter idea, I miss her a lot 😭! 

I hope you all enjoy!~


Third Person POV: 

     In life Mingyu and Wonwoo who just so happened to be best friends, they were just getting ready to leave college and had pretty nice jobs lined up for them.

Mingyu had a Minor in business, but Majored in Culinary Arts (I have no idea if you can major in culinary, but I know you can go to culinary school).  He was a great chef and the five star hotel owned by a company called Pledis agreed, so they had already offered him a job once he graduated, as long as he passed all his classes.

Wonwoo had minored in Journalism and English Literature, while Majoring in Creative Writing. Wonwoo was a phenomenal writer, and a news networking company which was also conveniently owned by Pledis, wanted him as a senior editor as soon as he graduated.

There was only one thing the boys had to do before taking these jobs though, they had to enlist and get their mandatory military service out of the way. The company didn't want to worry about making sure all their staff got it done later, so they made sure they got it done before they started working. 

The company promised to pay them a certain amount for completing the service, and promised they would have a position in the company as soon as they finished. So in the end it was a reasonable request from the company, and it had to get done eventually, so it was better to get it done in the start of their careers before they were at the height of their careers.

Even though it all seemed easy, Mingyu and Wonwoo were worried. Through out their years of elementary school, middle school, high school and college they were with each other every step of the way. 

So how will they handle two years away from each other?

And what could happen in these two years that might change their lives forever?

Wonwoo's POV:

     "Come on Mingyu! You need to get up, we literally only have a week left of classes, you should at least try to be on time to these ones" I say while kicking at his bed. 

Instead of getting up like he should have, Mingyu rolls onto his side and curls into a ball.

We've been doing this for four years now, I get Mingyu up for his classes, and Mingyu just refuses to listen.

"Mingyu I swear if you don't get up in the next five seconds I'm going to take your fancy culinary belt thing and flush it down the toilet" I say while walking across the room to grab it.

"5." I say while grabbing the belt.


"3." I say while making my way to the bathroom.


"1." I say while holding the belt in my had, but pulling the handle on the toilet to scare him

"NO NO NO I'M UP!" Mingyu says while speeding into the bathroom, and almost slamming into the sink.

"Good you're up, get ready for class" I say while tossing him his belt so I can get ready for my shift at the school store.

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