Socks (Junhao)

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     Alright so for those of you who have been waiting for more Junhao, your wait has come to an end. This one shot is going to be an AU, and I would like to thank that cunt Alyssa for the idea.

I'm so sorry this is coming out late, but last night when I went to write I sat here for almost two hours but couldn't figure out how to get any of this started. I figured it would be best to just stop, get some rest and try again today instead of just sitting there.

(The character Jeonhoon is literally made up.)

I'm sorry for blabbering, I hope you enjoy the story!~


Third Person POV:

     Wen Junhui is a young man who had just begun to adjust to his new college life style when something had to come along and knock down everything he had put together.

Jun's roommate Jeonhoon had a family emergency a couple weeks ago and had to go back home for awhile, but when his roommate returned, he received the horrible news that his roommate was going to have to move back home in order to support his family.

Jun was at a loss of what to do. He definitely wasn't going to be able to afford keeping the apartment he was living in on his own. Jun was just barely able to keep his part of the rent with the help of  Jeonhoon paying the other half.

With the lack of time and options, Jun places an ad online and is willing to accept the first person available as long as they aren't a murderer.

Let's just say this new roommate might end up being a little more than Jun originally bargained for.

Jun's POV:

     "Alright Jeonhoon, that's the last of the boxes in the kitchen, do you have anymore in your room?" I ask while placing the two cardboard boxes in the trunk of Jeonhoon's car.

"No I had moved everything into one place so I didn't have to worry about loosing anything" He says while adjusting boxes to attempt getting the trunk shut.

"Why don't we go out to lunch, one last time before you leave" I say once he gets the trunk to finally stay shut.

"The usual spot?" he asks while turning to me.

I just nod my head in response and climb into the front seat of his car.

We quickly pull up to the small diner that isn't too far from ̶o̶u̶r̶  my apartment and make our way to one of the booths.

"So have you gotten any other responses to the ad you posted yet?" Jeonhoon asks while looking through the menu, even though he always orders the same thing.

"Yeah I got a response from some guy who's actually going to the same college as us. He said he wants to come have a look at the place before making any decisions though" I say while waiting for the waitress.

"When's he coming to look?" Jeonhoon asks.

"He said tomorrow, but for all I know he's gonna drop out last minute like the last one who said he wanted to come look" I say while rolling my eyes.

"I don't think anything can top the guy who asked if he could come test the washing machine out" Jeonhoon says while laughing.

"That guy just wanted to get his laundry done for free" I say while laughing along.

"Is your mom doing any better since you left to come back here?" I ask after the waitress had come by with our usual drinks.

"She seems to be doing a little better, but the doctors are just worried that the cancer is going to spread further. I would rather go back home and have her end up being alright instead of staying and regretting it" Jeonhoon says before taking a sip of his drink.

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