Oh My Gondola

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It's over. It's actually over.

I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this crappy book. Believe it or not, I would come up with the plot the minute I'm writing for that part and I didn't plan into the future at all. I wouldn't write for months at a time, and even when I did my writing is sloppy and rushed and everything. But at least the way I ended it summed up all the weird things that happened pretty well.

But seriously thank you. Thank you for reading and commenting how outrageous and fast things were moving, or how Daveed in my book is a pedophile.  I love you people so much.

I also wanted to apologize the cast of Hamilton for everything I do to them in this book. From making them a different sexuality, to forcing them to marry a gay guy, to disregarding people's present girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses, to killing the off (sorry about that), to making them pedophiles, from having them impregnate at least three different women, one woman twice (ANTHONY HAS FOUR KIDS @ash), to having them be almost rapist and actual murderers (?), and having them be cheating scumbags. (the calender @ash)

And I obviously want to thank Lin Manuel Miranda for creating Hamilton. Hamilton has helped me through so many things, it's unbelievable.

And I want to think Ash for actually starting this one year ago and saying 'Hey Tara, check out this book about Hamilton we're writing." and then proceeding to write six chapters in a day. And for being a good friend.

Why am I giving a speech like I've won a Grammy or an Emmy or Tony or an Oscar? (I'd give it to Leonardo Dicaprio. Just saying.)

If I am then, I'd like to thank my arms for always being at my sides, my fingers for always being there to count on, and my legs for carrying me. Thank you. Have a good night everyone.


Ps. What did you think of the ending??????

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