No, He's Lying

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"Emma! I'm going over to some friends house, want to come?" Logan asked, opening my bedroom door.

"Depends, what are we going to be doing there?" I questioned, continuing my conversation with Mae.

"I'm recording." Now that made me curious. I looked up at him, an eyebrow raised.

"You make music?!" That just made Logan chuckle at me.

"Yah, I make a little bit of music. Now, are you coming or not?" Logan asked, checking the clock on my wall.

"Can Mae come? I haven't seen her in a week." Logan nodded and then left my room. I changed into some black leggings and an oversized Maverick hoodie.

Me: Hey, wanna come with me to see Logan record?

Mae: Heck yes! Pick me up?

Me: Yah, see u in ten.

I brushed my long brown hair out and put it in double french braids. Yes, I said brown hair. It comes from my dad's side of the family. I put some mascara on and then some cherry chapstick. "Emma, let's go!" Logan shouted. I walked out of my room and Kong ran at me, yipping happily. Giggling, I picked him up and then walked out of the room with my brother.

We walked out of the main building and got into his Yeti. Logan starting driving and I turned the radio up. We jammed the whole way to pick up Mae and then to his friends house. Logan turned the car off and then we all got out, me walking Kong. "Come on Kong." I said, lightly pulling him towards me. I laughed when he finally realized that we were going the opposite way as him.

Logan knocked on the door and we waited for a moment. The door finally opened and a blonde guy stood behind it. "Hey Corbyn." Logan said with a smile. They did a bro-hug thing that guys do before Corbyn looked back at Mae and I.

"Who are they?" The Corbyn guy asked. Logan grinned, looking back at me.

"The taller one is my sister, Emma, and the shorter one is her best friend and like another sister to me is Mae." Logan introduced us. "Girls, this is Corbyn, a friend of mine and apart of the band Why Don't We." Mae's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when Logan said that. Hmm, sounds like she knows the band.

"You're Corbyn Besson, aren't you!" Mae squealed. Corbyn grinned and nodded, enjoying Mae already. "Oh. My. God." I laughed and Kong looked at me strangely.

"Well, come on in." Corbyn said, opening the door wider. We all walked in, looking around. Well, at least Mae and I were. We all followed Corbyn into a room and I sat in a beanbag chair, pulling out my phone. Mae sat in a red one beside me and we just sat and talked while the boys did god knows what.

"Hey, have you seen this yet?" Mae asked, showing me her phone. It was a picture on Facebook. I laughed so hard that I started crying. The two boys gave us weird looks but we ignored them.

"We're back!" A male voice shouted. His voice echoed throughout the entire house.

"In here!" Corbyn shouted back. It was quiet for a moment and my phone suddenly started ringing. I didn't reconzige the number but I answered anyway.

"Hello?" I asked, standing up and walking out of the room.

"Is this Emma Paul?" A gruff male voice asked.

"Depends on who's asking."

"This is Detective Cain Gate. Now, is this Emma Paul?"

"What do you want?" I asked. I didn't know if I could trust this person or not. I don't know if they are lying or not.

"Well Miss.Paul, you're now the legal guardian of three children." I nearly choked on my own saliva. Legal guardian?! What?!

"Um, what are you talking about?"

"I need you to meet me at the local police station in LA, I'll explain everything there." The detective told me. I sighed. Well, I guess I'll know if he is lying or not when I get there.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can." And then with that, I hung up. Walking back into the room, I looked at Logan. I noticed that there was other people in the room but I didn't look at them. I heard a gasp come from someone but I ignored it. 

"Logan, I need the Yeti keys." I told him, holding my hand out.

"Why?" Logan raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

"Because the police department just called and told me that I am now the legal guardian of three children." Logan gasped, his eyes wide. "I'm not joking at all." Logan dropped the keys in my hand and I walked out, waving goodbye to Mae. I walked outside and to the Yeti, getting in and starting it up.

Putting it in drive, I drove all the way to the police station. My mind was swirling the entire way. I soon pulled into the station and I turned the truck off. I just sat there, wondering what I should do.

I made up my mind three minutes later and got out of the truck, slowly walking into the building. I went up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Emma Paul and -" I was cut off.

"Miss.Paul, right this way." The same male voice from the phone said. Turning my head, I saw a middle aged man in a police uniform standing there with his arms crossed. Nodding, I followed him into what I assume is his office. Three children sat on the couch. Eyeing them, I sat in front of the desk in one of the chairs while the officer sat behind the desk.

"What is going on?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. The officer sighed.

"A murder has been going around and they happened to kill those threes parents."

"Who are they parents? I don't even recognize them!" I exclaimed, glancing at the three children who sat quietly in the couch. The officer sighed.

"Remember Faith and Roger Phillips?" The officer asked. I frowned.

"Well duh, Faith is my cousin." The officer gave me a sad smile.

"Faith and Roger were murder two nights ago by a gang. Their children, somehow managed to survive." The officer told me, gesturing to the children at the couch. I gasped, studying them closer. It was two boys and one girl, the girl being about five months old. They looked just like Faith and Roger. Tears filled my eyes when I realized what he just said. No, he's lying. He has to be.

"Oh my god." The officer stood up and left the room, leaving me with the three children. I just sat there and we all stared at each other.

"Soo, I'm Emma. I knew your mom and dad. What is your names?" I introduced myself. The kids didn't say anything.

The four year old lifted his head, his blue eyes watery. "I'm Jason, he's Ben, and she's Chloe." I smiled sadly.

"Let's go to my house." I said, standing up. I held my hand out and Jason placed Chloe in my arms. I grabbed Ben's and Jason's hand before we all walked out of the police station. While I was driving, a thought went  through my head.

What in the world did I just get myself into?!

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